I am having a hard tim3 with my curr3nt job (and my lat3st application today was r3ject3d) :.(((
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What was th3 worst job you 3v3r did?
60 Replies

Reply by Jonathan
May I suggest applying to places and for positions you would TOTALLY love 💘!
Reply by Lizzy
I worked in a Wal-Mart call center. The complaint line, to be exact. It was worse than any Hollywood horror movie.
Reply by Ven Perp
Maybe 8 or 10 years ago, I worked at a machine shop that was about 70 hours a week mostly hand-turning screws. I've dealt with minor nerve inflammation problems in my hands & arms ever since. Before I quit, I was waking up screaming in pain, but thankfully it's healed a good bit since then.
Reply by Evermoree
I think the worst job I've had was when I worked at Forever21. I liked my coworkers, but the majority of the managers honestly sucked. Like they expected you to put your whole life into the job, literally drop everything that you're doing to come in a day that you were scheduled off, as if you're supposed to be waiting around at home on your days off, waiting to be called in at any moment. And the customers sucked sometimes too.
Reply by Macky
A lot lmao. I worked at a lot of fast food joints, warehouse clerk, cleaning buses, in a kitchen at Hooters. I didn't like any of them and I wasn't too great at them (i'm terrible at dealing with people).
The most tolerable jobs I had was at a convenience and pizza delivery driver (which is what i am currently doing). After a while working at a convenience store which is one of my longest held jobs I had, being constantly in front of people got to me and I quit recently and I'm doing pizza delivery while attending community college.
Reply by Colonel Hotshot
I think just about any job you have is gonna have it's fair share of drama.

Reply by Crystal Sage
Telemarketing. It was for a non profit, but alas, I just couldn’t bring myself to cold call people and ask for money. I lasted one whole day, and that was the shortest job I’ve ever had.
Reply by Crystal Sage
Telemarketing. It was for a non profit, but alas, I just couldn’t bring myself to cold call people and ask for money. I lasted one whole day, and that was the shortest job I’ve ever had.
Reply by Erica
The first time I worked at McDonalds I was in hs and it honestly wasn't bad, I became a manager actually. But a little over a year ago I worked at a different McDonalds and omg it was so bad. The GM was a bitch and hated me for no reason. She was always bitching at me and for what. Nothing. She was also having an affair with the main manager guy and they were both married. And they were like 50ish. It was just a bad environment. I was never treated that way at a job before because I am a hard worker but she acted like I was stupid. Ugh, I got all mad remembering lol
Reply by seraphxo
my first sort of job was the worst so far, i worked for a local farmer as a dog groomer that was only supposed to be for one summer.
Reply by Skye
I worked at flame broiler the job wasn't bad but on my last day i gave a customer the wrong amount of hot sauce and the called back to say i was fucking stupid and they were going to get me fired. lmao its sad to think that asshole probably thinks he's the reason I don't work there anymore
Reply by Kylie
Back in April I worked at McDonalds for a total of 3 days, I know it's not much experience, but it was the worst I had.
Reply by august
i worked at a specific upscale grocery store chain in nc doing grocery shopping for people and bringing it to their cars. i lasted a month. it was the worst job i have ever had by far. it had good benefits but the worst workplace enviroment. every single part of your day was timed, and i got in trouble on my second day because i took my first piss break in 5 hours so i wouldnt piss myself in public
Reply by J4YC33
I managed a video game store, that sucked.
Then I managed a University helpdesk. That sucked slightly less.
Reply by Roo
Reply by necromancer
I've never had a really terrible job yet. my current gig is part-time
& I don't know that I could handle it full-time, it's a little
intense. but it's stimulating, which is fun, sometimes it feels like a
video game except I get paid for it. my least favourite part is the
patronising seniors/managers, though, not the actual content of the job.
I think I could probably handle it just fine if I didn't come in every
day fearing being talked down to for making reasonable
mistakes, or doing my best to follow contradictory instructions, or for not knowing how to do something I wasn't trained to do...
Reply by ~
Reply by cody
McDonald's, without a doubt. $9.25 an hour to deal with people bitching all day and the managers talking shit about us in Spanish. Until I called them out after taking Spanish class that year in high school.
Reply by Sagittarius Jones
Reply by Kim
Hands down working in a real estate office. I honestly didn’t think I would have gotten the job with a visible face tattoo and always dressing in black, I applied and within the first month there I hated my coworkers and boss, I’m sure it could stem from location and management but being there wasn’t pleasant, it really is a soul sucking shady occupation.
Reply by ✭ star laveaux ✭
retail for 6 years was horrible.
Reply by little twerp
Reply by Samantha
Jack in the Box! The specific franchise I worked for was a nightmare. The general manager had me sign out a register drawer while.trsinint me then asked me to go do other things. I literally only did two transactions involving the drawer in my name,and both customers I rang up used a card. He then asked me to go pick up trash from the parking lot and got mad at me when I tried signing my til back in, so I just left it. He yelled at me for "stealing company time" when I went to get a dust pan and gloves to sweep the lot with then yelled at me again for "wasting company time" when I went to wash my hands after he called me back in.
Reply by Yan Yan
I worked at a warehouse for 4 years dealt with racist co workers that tries to get me fired for their own entertainment. The managers didn't know squat and the supervisors,leads, HR was a joke. Oh it was a union job too. Union just takes your job and don't even help you at all they just take your union fees.
Reply by Aimeé
I don't know what the worst job I've ever had was. They're all different.
Reply by Christopher Julian
Would have to have been when I was an overnight stocker at Wal-Mart, it also didn’t help I was super sick at the time but yeah that job ruined a few months of my relationship because I was so exhausted and always sleeping and also being treated like shit wasn’t fun either! I much preferred my jobs at UPS or Fed Ex.
Reply by Gabber
I once had a job that I only lasted three days at.
Reply by Walter White
Reply by X_CyAN!D3_X
Probably had to being a housekeeper at a Travelodge, my god i cannot tell of all the things we had to do to keep the place clean. Was super disgusting plus it was long hours too. Literally had to quit after 2 weeks of being there cuz it was so so bad.
Reply by Nicki
Reply by Logi
my first job was dog grooming. my boss started making me work 12 hours and just straight up did not pay me for the hours. then my ear mufflers that protected my ears from the industrial dryers broke, my boss would not replace them, and it took me several weeks to save up to replace them with how little she paid me, and during those few weeks i permanently developed hearing damage and chronic tinnitus that has never gone away. then when i quit, she made me give her the new ear mufflers i had bought, i wasn't allowed to keep them. i tried to find a pro bono lawyer to sue her for all of this but couldn't find one, so she got away with it, and she blocked my number and on all social media, then moved away.
Reply by livvy :)
Reply by Ben
Retail like in Wal-Mart retail. This was more than mind-numbing during college.
I was a licensed book-maker which is not as exciting as it sounds.
Aaaand one of the worst jobs: Pizza Hut employee.
Reply by DeryckEleven
Call-center support for a web conferencing software. The work was good probably 95% of the time, but that last 5% was so brutal. When I left, I think maybe 3 of our crop of 25 trainees were still there. The perqs were nice, and I had a lot of great co-workers, but the pay was way too low for the stress.
Reply by BadInfluence
Reply by trenchfry
Cashier at a retail store.
It would have been a nice job if I were trained better and corporate weren't so controlling. I had amazing coworkers, but I just couldn't last there for very long. Left as soon as I found a better, higher-paying job opportunity.
Reply by Doc
as someone who grew up to be a clown, literally party city was the worst job I ever worked. i worked as a minor (they paid minors less, which is totally sketchy!!! if not illegal!) and they were really cliquey old people. funniest part of it all was despite party city being the go-to for halloween at the time, the woman who ran the store hated it because it was the "devil's holiday". i will NEVER shut up about how bad it was.
hope you get to work at a job you enjoy! i know it can be difficult to find that spot -- especially with how the world demands people sacrifice their happiness just in order to make enough money to survive )-:
Reply by SaturnianPisces
Reply by Hatefulnateful
Tough so many nightmare jobs but at a chicken slaughterhouse probably objectively the worst. I've had great union jobs but this union was awful I only made 10$ a hour on 3rd shift and it was so dangerous smh I lasted a day lmao
Reply by ααяoη ℓovε.♥
i worked in admitting and other clerical healthcare jobs for almost a decade. i quit during covid and went to barber school. (x
Reply by Cassiopeia
I once worked as a waitress in a restaurant. I worked Monday-Saturday 9am-11pm and somehow only earned around 1.100 dollars a month. I was super busy while working, I made sure that all the custumers were satisfied, and that everything was clean. But my boss would always yell at me and my coworkers for not doing anything (we were working like crazy). One day I finally got the balls to yell back at him, and I quit right there. Never doing that again.
Also we weren't allowed to eat, drink or have breaks, and my boss would be in the restaurent just to keep an eye on us, and he would scream at us if he saw us drink water. In my country (Denmark) there's a law that if you work for 5+ hours a day, you have right to have at least 30mins to eat or just take a break, so it was ofc super illegal.
Reply by Mac
I used to be a 'cart associate' for a WalMart store and it was a truly horrendous experience. It was my summer job and it'd average 90-100 farenheit and it was a solid 6-7 hours working 39 hour weeks usually (absolute max for part-time) usually working to 10:30 (the very latest a minor could work there) and it was gruelling and often physically intense labor that was made easier for a time by the cart pushing machine, which i had my priviledges revoked because I very clumsily scraped a car parked too far out. Was there about half a year.
Reply by Ashe
I'm only 17, so I havent worked a great deal of jobs, but one that stands out is my office job at the ripe age of 16. I worked in sales and the way I was treated there was terrible. First off, I'm trans, and my grandad is a manager there, so he told everyone his grand-daughter was going to start working there, so I got misgendered 5 days a week from 9 to 5. While filling out a form, I put myself down as Mr Ashton Evans, and then I was told to do it again with my old name and Miss. For context, my name had been legally changed for months by that point. I was also told that I would have to use the womens toilets - or I wouldn't use any toilet at all. I was told that my deadname would be private... was it fuck. It was publicly listed on the app everyone had to use to clock in and out. I got let go by the company because they found somebody who could do my job full time (I'd started college by that point) and I got 0 notice. They told me that the next day would be my last. fuck. them.
Reply by AltWoman_XD
Worst job I ever had was working in a grocery store during the pandemic. I initially was hired to be a Grocery Associate, but I had too many troubles working in Dairy. Then, I got moved to the Front Entrance to do a store count (when we were letting people in based off capacity). I felt stressed almost everyday going to work, considering where I was work was in the busiest store in my area. It added to that stress and just being impatient. Plus having a boss who was racist, xenophobic, nepotistic, and loved playing favourites added to that stress.
However, if it was not for that job, I would have not met my current Significant Other. <3
Reply by Zwarte Vleermuis
My worst job was production work. needed to put bottle of shampoo in the tray.
The work itself was not the badest. But there was a clock straight in front of me. And there was nobody to talk to. It drove me insane. I left after 4 hours.
I did a lot of production work in my life. So i'm used to do boring work. But a seeying every second pass by is just to muich to handle
Reply by Beck Dies At The End
Office Depot Copy & Print Department. There's a reason that company is going out of business. Aside from the daily cockroach sightings and seer layers of dust on every surface, I was essentially bait & switched on what my position actually was. I was hired as a key holder but was thrown into the Copy & Print department with little/no training. Dozens of printer settings, paper specifications, forms to fill out, etc. was a nightmare. The supervisor "training" me would regularly leave me alone in the department to a hungry pack of customer sharks. She berated and shouted at me when I couldn't understand something after no explanation. I heard her many times call me an idiot just around the corner to other coworkers. I lasted three months.
Note: Don't shop at Office Depot- anything you need can be found elsewhere much cheaper. If you do, check the online prices first. The in-store prices are disgustingly marked up.
Reply by Shitlips
/ be me
/ roughly 2016
/ incredibly broke and need money
/ decide to work as a maintainer for plants
/ customer comes into work
/ asks for a large job whilst hes gone for 2 weeks on vacation
/ "fuck me atleast ill get paid"
/ go to the site
/ rotten down 40 year old house from like the 1970s
/ forgot the watering can
/ have to use last resort
/ piss on this guys plants every night at 8 pm to keep them watered
/ customer comes back in early
/ "why do my plants smell like piss"
/ make up some bullshit lie about the water not being fresh and purified
/ still get the money because the guy was overly empathetic
whole experience felt like a fever dream
Reply by AgentK
worst job i ever did was working in an industrial aluminum plant. my shift was supposed to be 12 hours but the foreman would get on your ass if you weren't 30-60 minutes early for shift handover and didnt stay 30-60 minutes late to help the next shift set up. the only time we were allowed to leave the press during the shift was for one 30 minute lunch break. I also had a 40-60 minute commute there and back. so in all i worked or drove to/from work for about 15 hours a day. then i was supposed to work 4 days a week but there was "mandatory overtime" to keep the extra press running very often so it was actually 5 days a week a lot of the time. Ended up working about 67 hours a week as an 18 year old right out of highschool (first job). to top all that off, it was the overnight shift so my mental and physical health suffered from sleeping through the day.
Reply by Kit
Reply by AlaskanWolf2000
I have worked 2 restaurants
Dennys (pre-covid), i worked there for a year, i was a busboy/janitor/dishwasher, it was laidback since i worked during graveyard shift, only annoying thin was that there was a scandal of my unit manager, basically took parts of our paychecks to fund for her gf flight to here (she got fired), and there has been drunks that come in and harass me because i wont seat them due to our policy about not seating intoxicated people
McDonald’s, easily the worst job i had, dont know why I worked there for almost a year
Now NAPA auto part store, Im a stock associate there for 2 years, and honestly that is the best job i have, i got verity of things i can do as a job, i did have rough start because i never had retail experience, but overtime i love it. I got pay raises and benefits such as paid vacation, health insurance etc. I rarely interact with customers and i mostly handle products that come into a werehouse ass a freight