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Alchemy PDFs to study from for free

I wanted to give out some Alchemy PDFs if anyone wants to study them. It's really hard to find most Alchemy books for free, and I know I don't have the money to fund anything but survival essentials most days, so here you go Swashbuckling Alchemist Pirates.

I'll post more pdfs from time to time, because I have more but I know that it's more important read from the texts first and I already posted 4 whole books and an article as a guide.

Titus Burckhardt: Alchemy = [https://gofile.io/d/nSEoz0]
Mircea Eliade: The Forge and the Crucible  = [https://gofile.io/d/AwLsXQ]
Alchemy An Introduction to the Symbolism = [https://gofile.io/d/6MqDdq]
Various authors: Seven Arcana of the Emerald Formula (Article) = [https://gofile.io/d/SkJw37]
Archibald Cockren: Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored= [https://gofile.io/d/wEaemq]

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Reply by jayme


literally a godsend!! im always looking for new books 

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