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Palestine vs. Israel

im baffled at the lack of knowledge towards situation

it's genuinely not a hard situation to understand (legit still in HS)

AND the people who know of the atrocities and still decide to take a neutral stance have me even more confused

like that's what happened in 1930's nazi germany and we already know what happened wit allat and yall for some reason thing what you're doing now is any different 

like stop turning a blind eye just because its not happening to you, or being its "not your problem" 

like brody theres a genocide of Palestinians, a literal religious/ethnic cleansing happening right under your nose and your deciding that it's best to stay neutral??

siding with palestine isn't Antisemitic,, if you are against the genocide of Palestinians by Jewish peoples you are not antisemitic


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11 Replies

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Reply by Evan⸸⛧


You shouldn't blame jewish people for the genocide in Palestine. Conflating Judaism with Zionism is antisemetic and literally goes against progressivism. There's been Jews in Palestine living with the Muslim majority centuries before Israel's construction

Overall, I strongly agree with you for the most part but it's important to understand 'intersectionality', Anti-semitism should be fought against just like homophobia, sexism, Racism, Islamophobia.

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Reply by Annie Ann


I have truly never seen another nation decimate so much good-will as Israel has. 

When October 7th happened, everyone was shocked and sided with Israel since the actions of Hamas where undoubtedly evil, but then Israel was way to trigger happy to start carpet-bombing a small territory and then be shocked that people were not cool with that.

I never thought I would exist through something like this in my lifetime, maybe I was to naive to think that we had progressed as a society enough to not commit genocide. The Israeli state was propped up to be a puppet state by the west, and even the native born Israelis can tell. I don't know how people can look at the laundry list of war crimes Israel has committed and could still side with Israel.

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Reply by Norinko


Both sides have very serious issues, but simply put, the two civilisations are not compatible with each other. 

Probable end results: Total annihilation of one of the civilisations or war fatigue sets in like Sinn Féin, IRA, and the INLA vs UVF, other Unionist factions, and the English government in Northern Ireland (best option). 

Historically, Jews and Muslims have a lot of bad blood. Several jihads were waged on Jewish people in Arabia, the Levant, Balkans, and so forth. Jewish colonisation and recent Islamic Jihada have been brutal as well.

Both the Quran and Talmud speak of outsiders fairly ill in contrast to the New Testament or Buddhism. Ethnic Jews are less likely to be religious, but that group mentality immediately sets in when they're seeing innocent people getting kidnapped by Muslim Palestinians. 

Jews also created paramilitary groups in the 20th century and did in fact colonise Palestinians. Jewish Settlers have moved into family homes of Palestinians, and these facts get passed onto the next generation of Palestinians who harbour more hate. 

Peace is sadly a mere dream or temporary at the moment. This conflict isn't something that's exclusively religious, ethnic, or political. 

I can't even pick sides at this point, both Hamas and Israel have committed several grotesque crimes and push unsuitable agendas for peace. My heart only goes out for the victims of all creeds who are caught in such a hellscape. 

Btw for the western leftist who cannot stop sucking the Hama's pipe, please note that these people would throw you off a bridge and film it. I cannot comprehend how that prejudice + power shit has made many of you so brain dead to the point where you're on the side of Islamic nationalist. 

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Reply by Maximoto


ATP there is literally no more justification for what "Isnotreal" is doing. Destroying hospitals and schools, killing women, children & the elderly, sexually assaulting captives, all while smiling and eating pizza and McDonald's and bragging about their war crimes. 

Literally if any other group/"nation" tried this they'd be fkn glassed, but since the US is literally funding not only the genocide BUT ALSO giving them free education, Healthcare, and FREE HOMES AND LAND while Americans are struggling to just survive? 

Yeah, no. Fuck them motherfuckers. It's just pure hatred and entitlement. They know they're just genocidal colonizers and that's why they made DNA ancestry testing illegal. They represent every single thing wrong with religion, IMHO. 

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Reply by Anita-235


This conflict boils down to nazis genociding the nazis for trying to genocide the nazis

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Reply by ╰┈➤ Nick


Reply by :3


I think French fries pair well with hamburgers and cheeseburgers :3

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Reply by Dimitrijevich.


A list of things said about the Palestinian people by pissraeli officials. Absolutely horrific.

People will continue to turn a blind eye and it disgusts me! Even worse, they try to pin it on the Palestinians! "They brought it upon themselves, this, that!"

Jessica, CHILDREN ARE DYING! I'm sick of privileged westerners who refuse to even EDUCATE themselves on a situation before spreading bullshit! Agh.

Obviously not directed at you, OP. Thank you for spreading awareness.

Click to help Palestine.

Save Palestine carrd, a good place to start educating yourself or find places to donate.

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Reply by ╰┈➤ Nick


Sure, Hamas did kidnap jewish Israelites obviously I can admit that. But justifying israels barrage of attacks by saying "hamas is using the citizens of Gaza as human shields" is fucking disgusting. Hamas has unveiled Israel's true colors.

If Israels goal was genuinely to abolish Hama's they would done some sort of secret raid like America did to kill Osama Bin Laden. This is about Israel's greed for the Holy Land, they don't care about Hamas, Hamas is just an excuse for them to annihilate Palestine.

I'll also admit that I should've said Israel instead of "jewish people". Since it's technically their government doing the atrocities. But I'm also not going to act like a lot of the people in Israel aren't advocating for this genocide.

But the borders around Gazas are literally closed. No aid can get in or out. Neither can food. Israel shut off everything the Palestinians need to survive. There's no water nor electricity. Israel has been bombing mosque and hospitals. 

And whenever the Palestinian men who are allowed to go into Israel for small jobs from Israeli people, currently, a lot of the time they are kidnapped by secret IDF soldiers and tortured or worst case scenario killed. The videos and proof are everywhere. I saw just yesterday a video of the men in the back of an IDF vehicle tied up and blindfolded. Not onlt that but those soldiers we're celebrating, SINGING BRO. This is not a game.

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Reply by mystical illusions


I find you topics interesting ... first let me say ... after Israel got attacked ...

by humus... and started this war on Gaza strip  an kidnapped Jews and Americans for hostages use for human shield... and also killed Jews and others also ...Hamas is inhuman...

Israel is and still giving the Gaza strip pamphlet to get out and go south  ...  

who does that in a war situation... they do not want to hurt Palestinian but those that do not leave 

will understandably get hurt ... (Hamas is taking all aid )and not giving to the Palestinian...

so they are blaming the Jews an America ... for doing nothing ... Hamas has his head courtiers...

under the hospitals schools churches every where they believe can not be hit...  

so it is very sad Hamas started this war...  he was never a good leader to the Palestinian  before this ...an is dangerous leader ... and the fighting blaming this on the Jews in ridiculous... they have the right to defend them selves ... an being work up here in the states is unfounded  when we have so many different kinds or people that want to live here from other countries  ... so  welcome to America ... But blaming and fighting or hurting others  for your home in other country's is not going to give peace here a chance ... or there...  candlelight  vigil are good ... but fighting and hurting others will land u in the morgue or jail...

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Reply by Kari


i agree, it is really sad to see how many people don't know and refuse to try to learn anything about it. When i try to bring it up people shy away because they don't know enough or they put up their boundaries and start talking about mental health and pivot the conversation

 feel like it's bad for my mental health not to talk about it

there is not too much we can do to help from afar, but there are some things we can do. People underestimate the power of a voice and the power that sharing information and mass communications can have...but some people don't want to be inconvenienced by all this genocide and colonialism that's happening in real time right before their very eyes.... 

anyway i put together some phone numbers and websites here for anyone that is interested in them

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