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To you think that we're heading to world war 3?

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Reply by Reçel


I see no possibility in it happening soon. Looking at the past now, war has changed. The invitation of atom bomb has change the war itself from deep inside. But even if a big war happends, its more likely to be very similar to the cold war. Which 50/50 would destroy 2 continent or end in peace. Also the media and civilians protest matter in todays world. Not as much, but its still a thing. So I would say: World war or cold war has chance of happening at 5% and it has 40% to destroy half of the world. Im excited.

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Reply by Jack727


No. Russia seems set to burn it's strength in Ukraine while ridding itself of a generation of young men it desperately needs. Unless Putin decides that the world should die with in they aren't in a position to start WW3

China is watching Russia shoot itself in the foot repeatedly while undoing a lot of hard work to undermine NATO, In addition they are also dealing with the results of the one child policy and their housing market collapsing. Honestly, I give them a maybe but they're in a strong enough position that I doubt it.

Iran Hopefully doesn't have Nukes and North Korea is hopefully controlled by China or sane enough to not do it.

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