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My Personal Experiences with Supernatural Dreams

Hey! Whoever decides to read this thank youu!! I was just posting about this to maybe get some insight on what this may be! Enjoy! (The contents of what I am about to explain are real and personal. Mentions of death are in these stories.)

• This first occurrence of this happening was when I had my first cat. She wasn't old she was barely one and she had her issues but overall we thought she was healthy and fine. She then started to get sick and she was so sick to the point she had to be rushed to the vet. We were sure she would be fine but I had a dream that night that she was to die soon. I knew she didn't die yet but I brushed it off thinking I was just having a nightmare because of how worried I was about her. But then later that day they had to put her down because they knew she wouldn't get better.

•The next occurrence of this happening was a little over a year maybe going on two years now I forgot what time or even month it happend so fast and it almost feels blurry except for my dream. I believe it's something more supernatural because I have never had dreams such as these before and they don't really scare me but it frightens me when they come true. This is when my grandmother was feeling more ill but she always recovered so we thought not much of her small colds and heart issues those were normal and she was old. But everything changed when I had a dream the night before that my grandmother would unfortunately meet her death. I have never dreamt of this stuff before I've had weird dreams and nightmares but nothing this personal. I brushed it off as a weird nightmare but that night my parents went to see her and they found her dead in her house. It wasn't anything as brutal as it appeared in my dream but she still died in the end.

•The most recent occurrence of this happening was over the summer in June. I had a boyfriend and everything was fine until the dream. I had seemingly randomly dreamt of him leaving me walking away silently and not coming back. Of course I forgot about the other times and brushed it off again and then later that day he blocks me on everything. I got over him but I still don't understand this curse of mine. I thought my dreams were only showing me what deaths of people I knew and cared about were to come but I know now they show me big things that happen very quickly that actually change my life in bigger ways. 

I just want to understand this more and I'd like if someone could help. I hope I'm not the only one but at the same time I don't want to wish this upon any others. If you have an idea what might be happening or what it is please respond and tell me.

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Reply by Arius


Hey Abby.

You're not alone! What you are experiencing is known as precognitive dreams. You can read up on them. They're actually quite common; about half of all people report having them. I have them, and so do my sister and mother. Abraham Lincoln had them; he even wrote about his own death in his diary. I actually wrote a paper on them in university for a psych class. People often receive premonitions before disasters. A lot of people had premonitions about 9/11, for example, and stayed home or didn't board the flights that crashed. Statistically, trains that crash have fewer passengers than trains that don't. I remember one story about a little girl who was adamant that she couldn't go to school because something awful was going to happen. She described a dream in which she was buried next to two of her friends. Her parents made her go, there was an avalanche, and when they found her body she had been buried next to the two friends exactly as she had described.

Over time, I learned to be able to distinguish precognitive dreams from regular ones. They are qualitatively different from normal dreams, in part because they are so mundane. Normally dreams are wEiRd, right? But precognitive dreams are completely normal. At least, the type that I have. When they happen in real life I get this tingle in my spine and everything feels surreal and I start to remember the dream. I actually learned to fast forward through them so I can predict what will happen next.

I actually had a waking premonition that my Opa was going to die. I had just turned seven. The last time I saw him alive, I took one look at him and felt like I'd
been struck by lightning. A voice in my head said "he's going to die"
and I ran out of the room terrified. A few days later he had a sudden massive heart attack out of nowhere and was gone. He was only 68. It shocked my whole family, except me. I knew 100% that it was going to happen before it did.

The CIA has done experiments that seem to confirm that people do have some limited precognitive abilities. We can also do remote viewing, and we can tell when we're being observed even if we can't see the observer. In Future Primitive, John Zerzan references examples from the anthropological literature detailing how hunter-gatherers appear to have certain abilities to sense, for example, when a loved one is about to return from a long trip.* Hunter-gatherers can also engage in something akin to remote viewing, entering a trance to figure out where a wild animal is located during times when food is scarce.

Anyway, I recommend watching documentaries and reading up on precognitive dreams! They're super cool. I don't know why they happen but frankly we know so little about how spacetime actually works, and what we do know is paradoxical and contradictory, which means our understanding of it is deeply flawed. For example, if we keep going back in time we never arrive at a beginning. Maybe the universe started with a big bang. Fine. Something had to be in motion to cause the bang. On a certain level everything is eternal, which means it doesn't have a beginning or an end. We can't even wrap our minds around that because we're so used to things having a beginning, middle, and end. I think the notion of linear time is an illusion generated by the type of bodies and brains we have. Even the notion of entropy has to be flawed. Things don't just fall apart. They come together too. Anyway spacetime is weird nonsense so I wouldn't say it's impossible to see the future. Obviously, since you and I and countless others have done it!

Hope that helps.

* My friend Kelsey thinks this has to do with quantum entanglement; that
we become connected across space and time with people we spend a lot of
time with and are close with physically. This would also explain why mothers can sense
if their child is alive. I don't know enough about quantum physics to
say whether that's true or not.

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