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Crazy hallucinating dude wants to kill me

I had a dream I was in high school again and this one kid had a lil crush on me but he wasn’t my type vice versa. We started watching a Travis Scott concert in class and I fell asleep and woke up in the next class :0 the teacher yelled at me and wrote me up so I left, but forgot what my 3rd period was so I went home.

I got lost and ended up on this grass trail adjacent to farmland. There was a dude listening to his headphones and boolin on the trail and for some reason I was going 60. I eventually got even more lost and there was this crazy dude who was hallucinating.
He was convinced that he must kill me so he killed this mother snd daughter on the trail by shooting them and I wrestled with him and the gun until I unloaded the gun. He looked defeated but calm so I led him to these rocks by the river which turned into a series of caves. I made sure he was asleep then ran away and he started hallucinating random shit. Eventually, he fell in love with me and wanted to kill me and put me in this tree trunk, but by that time I was king gone and he was lost in the rocks forever.

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Reply by Budweiser



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Reply by sugars.not.so.sweet


this is kinda of chilling to read givin' the events that happened at astroworld

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Reply by alioth_1,76


i bet he was cute?

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Reply by mistik.jinx


This seems crazy, I liked it hehe :D

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