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LGBTQ+ is an Agenda? Really?

If LGBTQ+ is an agenda, who has made the agenda? Is it western? Meanwhile, LGBTQ+ can be found in various parts of the world.

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Reply by dreamspider


I do not associate myself with "the right" in any way. However, I make an effort to listen to what "the right" has to say, and to familiarize myself with their talking points and dog whistles. I can't really tell if you're ranting or asking this genuinely. If you genuinely don't understand why people on the right, homophobic, anti-queer people say that LGBTQ is an agenda, I encourage you to spend more time dissecting their belief system. Not because I agree, but because asking this question is most likely not going to yield a genuine or helpful response unless asked in a circle where you know people genuinely want to discuss. Spacehey is really not that place.  

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Reply by Sofia Rina


No, I'm not ranting, it's a genuine question.

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Reply by Eros


their rhetoric relies heavily on scapegoating minorities. they see pushback to the status quo on subjects like men not sticking to traditional masculinity, so they freak out and find someone to blame for this “issue”

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Reply by ph1lharm0nic


What are your sources for "gay men are weaker?" Because i have an article here that says gay men actually tend to excel MORE often than straight men. While the study did find that lesbians tend to perform worse, you were talking specifically about gay men so i believe it doesn't matter much here.


And being a queer man doesn't automatically make you feminine. I know several gay and bisexual men who are masculine not just in appearance but in mannerisms too. Speaking of bisexual men, where do they lie in this? Does my attraction to women cancel out the "weakness" caused by my attraction to men? Or do i and millions of others just not exist, so you can keep your fun little idea that any man who's queer is gay and weak and girly? 

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Reply by Sofia Rina


Can't agree more 

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