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Sleep Paralysis

Comment your experiences with Sleep Paralysis Below. I'm curious

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Reply by Dead Weight


I was renting a room in a house that became a tenement, a small service room with only a small window and a door that lead to the backyard.

I woke paralyzed, facing down, and when I managed to turn my neck, I saw a black silhouette, male in outline but pitch black otherwise, sitting in a chair by the bedside. It carried a crook handle cane, and wore an "1860" top hat. It said something to me, then chuckled. I couldn't discern the words, but the scorn and the mockery were crystal clear. I grunted, and fought the paralysis as it laughed, and with a roar, I woke up.
Face up.
And there was nobody there.
And I never saw the thing again, even after six months when I left the place.

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Reply by Meem


Had it for months on end, the worst was usually strangulation, burning, and sometimes the feeling of being assulted. NO CLUE WHY that one because i havent faced that. Usually though it was just meaningless stress and repeating dreams in dreams that i fixed via therapy, meds, and proper sleep position. It was frusturating because there is 2 kinds, one where im dreaming, and the other where im half awake. I hyperventilate when in SP because if it is the latter someonec can hear me and touch or call me awake, prevents me from in and out unstoppable and nauseating fits of sleep. But now I love sleep after a lifetime of somniphobia so thatsĀ  great! honestly i think its just my ptsd and being secretive withmy stressors at the time lol

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Reply by Jordan :P


Had quite a few experiences months ago when my mental health was in a far worse state. Mostly just remember them being shadow figures, they'd move really fast, make creepy sounds, and I'd usually get strangled or violently shaken. It's a very strange experience, because it seems as though I'm actually awake, my room looks the same, and it feels like I'm physically being strangled. In any case it's not a fun experience. It's almost as bad as waking up and stretching by mistake so you get a muscle cramp and you just have to accept the incoming pain :')

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