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Is it more comforting to know that there's an afterlife or not?

Do you find more solace in an afterlife through your faith or culture, or do you find more peace not knowing or believing that nothing happens? For those of you who have changed or left religions, has that changed your outlook on life and what happens after?

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Reply by dreamspider


More comforting to know, although I don't pretend to know. Even if the afterlife is bad I like to think that my consciousness might be preserved. 

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Reply by Deaths_Smile


I find it more comforting to believe in an afterlife. I'd prefer to have my consciousness carry on in one way or another and not just disappear when I die. The thought of suddenly vanishing is a scary one.

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Reply by Monica


"nothing is created nothing is destroyed everything is transformed" I think this also applies to the soul. It reassures me to know that there is hypothetically an after life.

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Reply by xX_Jay_Xx


everyone brought up some great points!!! thanks for sharing :)

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Reply by Amy


These questions always get me thinking. From what I've observed, it seems like belief in an afterlife, or lack thereof, is so deeply rooted in individual upbringing, experiences, and sometimes even existential reflections. I know some people who find immense comfort in the thought of reuniting with loved ones or the idea of a paradise. On the other hand, there are those who feel that life being finite gives it more value, like a 'live in the moment' sort of vibe.

About changing religions or leaving one - man, that can be a journey and a half. I've seen friends go through it, and it's like this complete restructuring of their worldview. It doesn’t just affect the afterlife perspective but also daily life, values, rituals, the whole nine yards.

It's fascinating how dynamic human beliefs can be and how deeply they can impact one's outlook on life and beyond. What about you? What's your take on this?

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Reply by Jay


I believe in the continuation of our energy, what one could call a soul. But Idk if I believe in an afterlife persay. I think many who believe in an afterlife use it as a cop-out to be terrible people in this life. Most find it comforting, but I think it can also be a henderance. too many wait for an after life that they take this live and it's beauty for granted

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Reply by Meem


afterlife comforts me, all I can think of is utter bliss. really all bliss is to me is nature and loved ones so i think that would ground me

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Reply by flesh_punkin


i find more comfort in copping out entirely and just accepting i wont get a satisfying answer (hopefully) anytime soon. obviously i occasionally dabble in wondering, but i find the scale of it all pretty eh. i generally just believe that the idea of souls in a more pagan way makes the most sense to me personally. so i guess i would pick afterlife but not in it being a place and more in a reincarnation way. i find the idea of a separate plane just for our souls when we die uncomfortable.

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