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hi hi hi guys im currently practicing witchcraft and am a baby witch im just curious if anyone else practices ?? whats yalls fav herb,crystal,spell and stuff like that XD

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Reply by KatelynSama


No but i want to get into it

tell me more about it.

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Yes, I'm a witch/occultist and a Satanist (I promise it is not scary or bad). I've been practicing more or less seriously for about six years. I am not big on crystals but I love moldavite because it's a crazy space rock with lots of fallen angel energy. Herb wise, I like growing rosemary by my door for protection. I'm a big fan of the classic Rider-Waite Colman tarot deck, and I'm a Virgo with a Virgo moon and Scorpio rising.

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Reply by Rissa


Hi I’m currently practicing witchcraft and ancestor work! I’m also into astrology and crystals and herbs and all that fun stuff!

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Reply by KatelynSama


My Grandmother had rosemary at all the corners of her house. When she passed they all died within the month.

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Reply by n e o n m o o n


I dabble a bit but I'm not an expert by any means.

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Reply by Lyeelia


I'm a baby witch as well. 

Right now, I've mostly been working with tarot. 
It's hard trying to find time to learn more about it on top of everyday life. :/ 

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Reply by Renee


Hi, I have been a practicing witch for over 20 years. Just joined this forum. Open to making friends and chatting about magic. 

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Reply by Parker


my favorite herb (other than mary jane hehe💨) is mugwort, for lucid dreaming. my favorite crystals are: citrine (for abundance, positive bibes +more)

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Reply by Parker


i love making little spell bags for myself and friends >u<

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Reply by SednaWoo


I practice witchcraft but as headwitchery or placebo witchcraft.  I don't believe in the supernatural but humans need aesthetic ritual in our lives and I find witchcraft fills that need nicely.  For me it's a great balance.  Crystals are wonderful for points of focus when grounding or meditating but do they have feelings or can they actually speak or heal?  Probably not.  Peppermint tea is great for nausea but antibiotics are for bacteria infections, ya know what i mean?  No disrespect to folks who do believe in the supernatural, it's just not something I can ascribe to.

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Reply by Renee Morrison


I dont practice any witchcraft can't put any kind of faith or belief in alot of it but i do actually enjoy reading about how witches or wiccans celebrate holidays. If i did decide to take part in anything witchy it would be that. I feel the holiday rituals give a bit more meaning and appreciation to the holiday and give back a bit of history that we've lost with the mainstream celebration of holidays now.

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Reply by Hades13


I have been dabbling for a couple years and I'm trying to build a more consistent practice. 

I consider myself a Satanist, but I do follow some eclectic tendencies as well. 

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Reply by Katy Chickels


I love Star Magick. This is a simple spell you can do just by saying it out loud whenever you have a clear view of the Pleiades in the sky at night. Say it when you need to find out the truth of a matter or when you need direction and don't know what to do:

"Goddesses of the night sky... 

Hear my prayer

Show me what is hidden

Reveal your mysteries to me

Shine your light on my path,

So I might find my way out of the darkness."

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Reply by Christina


I guess you could call me a baby witch, too. I saw someone else say this, but, I don't really believe in a lot of the supernatural aspect of it all. I guess you would say I'm a Christian, but I don't practice Christianity the way a lot of people do. For me, what most people consider witchcraft, I use as a way to help further ground me in my faith. I mostly practice kitchen witchery, and I use my ingredients symbolically. I usually pray over my meals as I'm making them, in accordance with the ingredients that I'm using. Like, if I'm using Lavender tea to promote calm and relaxation, I'll stir it clockwise and pray for calm. 

It's been a long road trying to reconcile my religion and my practice, but I feel very connected to them both. 

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Reply by Roxy


I'm also a baby witch! I practice wicca and my fav thing to do is celebrate the sabbats. there's lots of info you can find online about traditions and rituals for each one, so that's been really helpful for me!

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Reply by BadAssHealingEmpath


I practice witchcraft and I am also developing my gifts. I love all protective and healing crystals, all the herbs, tarot and oracle cards. I have learned so much and I am still learning.

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Reply by Locitnex2myheart


Hey y’all. I practice too. Right now I’m doing shadow work. I have a bunch of crystals and candles 

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Reply by Stemm


Hey! I've been practising witchcraft for almost 3 years )o(

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Reply by slxttycuts


baby witch here too!! 

currently learning about palmistry ^^

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Reply by venus


I'm a baby witch! I have been learning for almost a year, I have quiet the starting collection. I am working on connecting with deities and astral projection! 

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Reply by <3 XxEvaRosexX <3


ok so like, i've been studying it for about a year now and i think the safest thing to do before big spells is manifestations!! write what you want to happen ten times on a piece of paper. if its pulling something into your life then rotate the paper clockwise and write it ten more times. repeat it until you did a full rotation. if you are expelling something from your life then go counterclockwise. make sure your intentions are strong. after that, take collected rain water and soak the paper. wait until it dries. if you are bringing something into your life fold the paper towards you and rotate clockwise until you can't fold it anymore. if you're expelling something then do the opposite (fold away from you and counterclockwise). if you are bringing something into your life then bury it under a new moon. if you are expelling something then burn it. blessed be and practice safely love <3

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Reply by killersuccubi13


Hi im a witch, in the craft since I was 13 ( im 24 now) and its honestly great to see other witches. My fave crystals is amethyst because I like to be protected and tigers eye. I love lavender and bay leaves, also candelilla is good for cleansing and stuff.  

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Reply by kei


Reply by Spookylittlestoner


Practicing/studying for a few years now!

Favorite crystal is Zoisite,
Favorite herb (oi that's hard) Pine? Favorite ingredient, cat whiskers.
Favorite thing to practice; Divination! 

What are your favorites so far? 

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Reply by Jay


I have been reading about it but I have no one to guide me through it, which sucks 

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Reply by r0tt3nv4mp


hihi ive always wanted to get into witchcraft but my family is religious 

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Reply by That1Dude Aly


heeeyy im baby witch as well and mainly use tarot cards. i havent tried any spells and dont even know where to start book wise. im still trying to figure EVERYTHING out lol 

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Reply by NoelOne


Ancient guy here.  :)  Been practicing the old ways for about 40 years. I'm a Trad Witch, following Celtic Traditions and Celtic Gods. I'm mostly into straight Spell work, using ritual and meditation. I create magical tools as a hobby and use the Tarot for a lot of things. I personally never found Astrology really effective but I can muddle through creating a chart, "If I have to." lol

My yard is a jungle of things protective and baneful. Heather, Hawthorne, Holly, Roses, Damiana Datura, to name a few. 

I celebrate Sabbats and Festivals with friends regularly and if I have any advice it is this
Read LOTS. Cunningham is good. Farrars are good. If you want to get into Feminist Wicca then Starhawk is someone you should check out. Regardless of the hokey title, Teen Witch is a decent book for a beginner of any age. Morgan Daimler is a new author I really like. 
The "500 Spells" compendium is a fun reference book for ideas on spells. 
If you want structure and people to help you along, look for a Traditional Coven. 
Find a copy of 'The Cult Evaluation Form by Issac Bonewits on line, and ALWAYS when you  meet a group compare them to the form. There are some pretty sh!tty creatures out there who will take advantage of a new witch if you're not aware.  

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Reply by Lee


I've been practicing since I was a child. It was naturally drawn to me since I had a love for nature and this feeling of energy all around us it's important to start out slow if you wanna get into it but always make sure you have a circle cast for protection and good energy not negative energy. Also make sure u have a good intent when you cast incantations. Good luck message me if u need more help with stuff like casting a circle for protection and I know some good websites u can use to for ordering Ingredients.

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Reply by Lee


I've been practicing since I was a child. It was naturally drawn to me since I had a love for nature and this feeling of energy all around us it's important to start out slow if you wanna get into it but always make sure you have a circle cast for protection and good energy not negative energy. Also make sure u have a good intent when you cast incantations. Good luck message me if u need more help with stuff like casting a circle for protection and I know some good websites u can use to for ordering Ingredients.

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Reply by Midnight Phantasmagoria


im a chaos witch! ive been practicing for quite a few years now! its so much fun and it has helped me learn more about  myself and helping others

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Reply by 🔗✨♥Manic♥✨🔗


I'm a baby witch too lol 

Can I have some tips too? 

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if you have any questions please reach out to me i have been practicing all my like

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Reply by Ghost


hi! i’ve been practicing for over 3 years but i’ve been researching for much more and it runs in my family!! my favorite spells r good luck spells, i love rose quartz, and rosemary is good for so much :)) 

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Reply by Fernanda <3


yo tengo 1 año y unos meses con el tema de la espiritualidad y la brujería. poco a poco e ido recolectando inciensos, cristales, hierbas, plantas, etc. mi planta favorita es el Romero, y mi cristal favorito es la ágata y el cuarzo rosa💕🧚‍♀️ buenas vibras🍃🧝‍♀️

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Reply by Fernanda <3


yo tengo 1 año y unos meses con el tema de la espiritualidad y la brujería. poco a poco e ido recolectando inciensos, cristales, hierbas, plantas, etc. mi planta favorita es el Romero, y mi cristal favorito es la ágata y el cuarzo rosa💕🧚‍♀️ buenas vibras🍃🧝‍♀️

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Reply by ★. 🎀 𝑅𝒶𝓎𝒶 🎀 .★


I dabble in witchcraft. I'm very much familiar with tarot and oracle cards tho and I've done spirit work.

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Reply by Dinic 💫


hello! I mostly do tarot and divination and general spells, and I work with Hecate! I'm a bit more of a casual witch but do more regular deity work ^^ 

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Reply by Wynter


Grew up in a Wiccan home. Now I’m looking into other pagan religions to join like Druidism. So many options. Struggling to find time to practice witchcraft, when we I do I focus on protection, healing, and growth rituals. I worship the earth sun and moon. I love Lilith. An ally of The Satanic Temple. 

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Reply by doritos(≧▽≦)


Dios, tambien soy una bruja bebe, estoy emepzando, tengo dos amigas que son brujas y tengo muchas experiencias con brujos igual :)

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Reply by Leslie


So my favorite Crystals are: Labradorite, Amethyst, Black Tourmaline, Super Seven, Selenite, Regular Quartz, and then Lapis.

My favorite Herbs are: Lavender, Rosemary, Clove, Cinnamon, Rose, Hibiscus, Mugwort, and then Mountain Sage. (I avoid white sage because it's a closed practice of the Indigenous Community) 
I'm a huge fan of divination. Meaning I love my tarot decks, my pendulums, and Runes. I'm also wanting to learn how to cast bones. 
I've been practicing for about a year so far. I haven't decided on a path, but I know as of right now I'm honoring my spirit guides. 
But if you want to talk about astrology, I can tell you that I'm a Libra Sun and Gemini Moon. 
I love helping people grow along with me, and if there is ever a questions I can't answer I will do my best to lead you in the right direction so you don't become misinformed.
Hopefully that helps a bit :)

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Reply by Swiftpaw


I've been practicing for 5 years now. I work with Hecate and Janus the most, and I am good with tarot reading and work with servitors. I don't do spells or rituals as much except during holidays or full/new moons. 

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Reply by Purgatory Apotheca LLC


Follow us for real witchcraft at Purgatory.com we also have a Patreon where we teach the occult

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Reply by AtxNesha Witch


Yes I study witchcraft. I honestly love crystals 

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Reply by coprincharm


I study witchcraft, i’ve been using more crystals into my practice and i’ve been doing herb research, i think a good book for people who want to start using crystals into their work would definitely be “The Crystal Alchemist” By Karen Frazier

Also a introduction another for into crystals and herbs “The Encyclopaedia of Crystals, Herbs, & New age Elements” By  Adam Media 
I feel like it would be a good starter for using crystals since they give a range of common crystals and herbs/spices, the book also talks about different flowers, essential oils, divination systems, tools and practices.

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Reply by SandyFalkner


Wiccan/Witch been studying and practicingWicca and witchcraft for over 20 years.  I don’t have a favorite crystal. I’m always learning something new.

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Reply by Bungledit


i used to be into it when i was younger, but i took it as a sign to stop when my stuff was the only things that got ruined in  a apartment flood

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Reply by Green_Olive


I am learning a little more about witchcraft and I love it so much, I’m learning how to read tarot right now and it have proven to be quite helpful! my favorite deck is called star power and it is designed by a super sick artist!

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Reply by Dustin


I've studied various form of Paganism for the better part of about 25 years. I've adopted a variety of practices and beliefs from different practices but I do not subscribe to any particular belief structure. My most recent studies have taken me to Asatru. I've been enjoying the journey of studying their beliefs.

The internet is not the same place it used to be 20 years ago. The amount of available information is trapped behind private groups and pay-wall websites. I'm happy to help if anyone has any questions :)

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Reply by ♡Lys♡


I've been practicing for about 4 years casually. I mainly do protection and purifying Magick. I cleanse my house alot with black salt and incense. My favorite crystal is probably clear quartz and celestite 

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