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what do you think is the south park "golden age"?

Posted by VideoManiac


Forum: Movies, TV, Celebrities

Everyone talks about the "Golden Age" of a show,but I haven't heard anyone's opinion the South Park Golden Age, so I'm curious on what you guys think.

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Reply by Rainy


i'm gonna ramble A LOT but in my opinion, seasons 1-4 are the "classics". i feel like cartman changed after the episode 'scott tenorman must die'. seasons 5-9 was great, had some really good episodes but a couple forgettable ones... still judging by seasons, 10-17 had a lot of great episodes; i am probably biased since i grew up with these seasons. i feel like season 18-19 is okay but this is where the #cancelsouthpark thing was brewing. season 20 onwards felt reaaaally different, the episodes linked to each other more. the last 4 seasons however have been pretty good, and while a lot of people despise randy's 'tegridy farms' i actually like how much of a jerk he is. i wonder when they'll drop tegridy farms.

i can't really pinpoint a "golden age" but i think the episodes during the 1998-2011 were pretty great, maybe it's because cable was still widely used, and the internet was emerging to the public.

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Reply by AngelinoEcstasyxx


seasons liek... 1-7 mean the world to me theyre my golden age........... i heart them and i feel like it feels more like south park than the seasons ahead since politics and stuff started getting mentioned more . i js miss when the kids were still getting themselves into child-like situations that devolve into madness than like idk stuff like manbearpig or whatevs. LET THEM BE KIDS AGAIN      !!!!!!!!!!

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Reply by VideoManiac


I think that seasons 1-4 is "classic south park". Though my favorite episodes are in seasons 5-9. But I think the "golden age" is still the classic era.

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Reply by $YD


Most older fans as well as a few niche pockets of the overall fanbase tend to view the "golden age" being seasons 1 - 3, and in some cases 1 - 4

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Reply by SwiftySpeedy
