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What are some good childhood movies you remember growing up in the 2000s?

Can't remember them all. But here's what I remember.

1. Lion King I used to watch a lot according to my mom.

2. Coraline saw that in theaters it was fantastic 

3.The first Spongebob movie

4. Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

5. Bambi I think my grandma had it on VHS she still has a lot of VHS tapes.

6. The Cat In The Hat

7. Zanthura

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14 Replies

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Reply by Amoni Warren


i remember a few this from the early 2000ś like Blockbuster videos, Jellies , sweatsuits, JuiceBars, Digiorno Pizzas. 

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Reply by Emma


The Princess Diaries !!!!!!

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Reply by tree guy alex


monster house,sethe wiggles film wher they go to space and its animated honey i blew up the kids ! 

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Reply by xXkf100Xx


Reply by ☆Jack☆


monster house and corpse bride hold a special place in my heart

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Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx


I grew up watching lots of movies from the 2000s such as Pollyworld, the 1st SpongeBob movie, The Cat in the Hat movie, and Bratz Babyz: The Movie.

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Reply by Koda


technically not in the 2000s but the 2010s, 

i loved watching "my babysitters a vampire" when I was younger

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Reply by Elsie


Peter Pan Live Action

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Reply by Cocoa!


Any spongebob movie, bruce almighty. most disney classics

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Reply by Camira


Probably necroposting, but eh.

First SpongeBob movie was one I watched religiously, I have seen it so much I can damn near recite the whole thing from memory. 

Other things I can recall were Mulan 1 and 2, The Last Mimzy, some of the Alvin and the Chipmunk movies, Elf...most of my childhood movies came from the early 2010s, honestly (the winx club movies, tangled, the lorax, etc etc)

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Reply by klangles shmangles


lion king 1/2: hakuna matata is a riot

the black cauldron is from '85 but i watched it a LOT and it's pretty creepy

and my little pony came out in 2010 but i watched/read it religiously 

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Reply by ⧗ ꉔꄲꂵ꒐ꉔ ꍌꏂꏂꀘ ⧗


bruh as a kid I loved the animated "horror" or "scary" type movies like Caroline, Monster House, Corpse Bride, Paranorman, and 9. IM 100% sure there are so many more weird, funny, and well animated movies that I gravitated as a kid but I used to watch those RELIGIOUSLY for some reason. Of course some old Disney classics but Anastasia and Thumbelina just was my thing back then, and I'm including the Tinkerbell Spinoffs in here, The Pirate Fairy and The Great Fairy Rescue!!!! OMGG!! Those were sooo good. The old barbie movies and monster high films were great and I still am obsessed with those franchises till this day. 

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Reply by l8n1t3


i grew up on the matrix trilogy, most of dreamworks's 2000s output (somehow missed kung fu panda growing up, i have no idea how this happened), one of my earliest memories is being freaked out by the "what good is a phone call" scene in the first matrix movie lol

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Reply by ЯATTLEHEAD45✪ \m/


not movies but I loved Rugrats and Goosebumps. I had multiple dvds of both

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