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Have you ever had a premonition?

Or seen a loved one who passed away in your dreams, and just felt like that dream was more meaningful than a normal dream? I wanna hear your stories!

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Reply by Gene


My mom told me she had a dream once where she was riding in a car with someone who's face she couldn't quite make out. At some point she said Jesus or god or someone came down, lifted the driver from the car, and looked at my mother and told her, "It's not your time yet." Told me she was so shook by the dream that she woke during the night and wrote it down in a journal. The next day she got a call by a friend's mother telling her that her friend had passed away in a car crash that night. Kinda crazy... Mom said she's never had a dream like that before.

I personally have a bit of a weird story.. I used to hangout with friends in the national forest a lot when I was in high school so we could smoke weed or just bum around without getting into trouble. I started having dreams about finding a dead man in the forest. I had them for around 2 months and they were almost exactly the same every time. The dreams stopped for about a month and my friend and I were going for a cruise down the road by the lake. We had both been there two days before and had both noticed that a white Ford Fusion was sitting in a opening to the lake off the dirt road. The car was still there and we had a weird feeling about it. We got out to check it out and found a man who committed suicide.. Very very weird.. Also he was in the same place I would always find the man in my dream.. I don't know the significance of it.. I hardly tell the story because I don't want anybody thinking I'm a kook but I defiantly had those dreams.. They used to scare the shit out of me.. But yeah, that's my experience..

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Reply by milcc


When I was sixteen I received a call from my family telling me my father was dying. I was in complete shock because I honestly had no idea how he got so bad. He had told me he had lung cancer but that it wasn't advanced and that he had a chance with chemo. Now I know he was just trying to avoid making me sad. After he passed, I was devastated but I just couldn't cry. I felt like since I didn't know up till that point, I was in denial. He died days after my birthday and this is important because after a few months I had a dream about my father. He was desperately looking for a birthday cake because he was so sad that he missed it. It might have been my mind trying to heal, but it felt real. Was it really him trying to make amends or just my mind being a dick? Who knows, but teen me appreciated it. 

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Reply by Luna Chrysanthia


I often have snippets of my dreams come true. Sometimes they're so insignificant compared to the rest of the dream that I don't recall when I wake up until it actually happens. I get this hard sense of deja vu and sometimes it gives me a little vertigo. But it's like oh snap I've already done this before. 

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Reply by ToriElectra


I often have those random "future dreams" too -- it's called "Deja reve". Apparently it may have something to do with electric shocks -- I was part of a study years ago involving trans-cranial magnetic stimulation (where they stuck a giant electromagnet over my head and administered tiny shocks), and the deja reve dreams started after that. It's never anything important, it's always just random, unimportant snippets of my life.

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Reply by KatelynSama


This has happened a ton. I saw The Toy Place(real place look it up) right after my Nana's(gma) funeral. From the water puddle in front of the store to the tears from my dad's eyes. Never told anyone.

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Reply by Elf Lady Sam


A few years ago I was waiting at the end of my driveway to have something dropped off. While I was waiting, a white car rolling over flashed in my head like headlights shining in my eyes and felt a bit nervous about someone driving my way at the moment.

The got to me and home safely so I didn’t think all too much of it again.

The next morning though when I opened up fb, lots of people on my friends list were sharing a news article of a drunk driving accident in Colorado (across the US from us) from the previous night, where a friend of ours has passed away. They included an image of the wreckage: Boxy, white rolled over car. Time of accident? The same eastern time I was waiting at the end of my driveway

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Reply by Floki


Unfortunately i don't have any stories to contribute like all the awesome ones i got to read on this forum. But I just wanted to give my two cents and let ya'll know I read and loved every single story. I look forward to the future stories posted. 

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Reply by badwolf


I've had premonitions in my dreams but they are obscure but somehow relate to the event which is about to happen.

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Reply by cornclock


I get 4 l0 0f them, wh1ch 1s k1nd4 4nn0y1ng. N0t 4nyth1ng 1mp0rt4nt, just l1ke, v1s10ns 0f everyd4y mund4ne 0ccur4nces th4t h4pp3n 4 f3w d4ys l8tr

Translation(I get a lot of them, which is kind of annoying. Not anything important, just like, visions of everyday mundane things that happen a few days/months later.)

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Reply by DallyDecadence


My father passed when I was 14 and for the last 4 years I have been trying to find any type of closure. Not long ago, he came into a dream of mine where there were some reoccurring pieces but some that were different. It was very specific as to what time he died, when he last used (he was a her0in addict), and we were in the same town he passed in. This happened a few days after my mom had an experience with him visiting and holding her as she cried :,^)

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Reply by Mate


I've had a few of these before...Though I dont really remember many of them. The one that i remember very clearly was when I was younger I had a dream I was going through the kitchen cabinets and looking for something to snack on. In my dream I found some strawberry pop tarts that like I knew wasnt there earlier in the day. The next day my mom comes home from the store and of course I go through the cabinets to see what they got and there were the strawberry pop tarts in the same exact spot in the same exact cabinet that was in my dream,

I think I've had a few other dreams where it really did come true... One was in high school and the we were doing the same exact thing that we were doing in my dream and my teacher at the time was talking about the same thing I remembered in my dream with the exact slide that I saw.

Very strange if you ask me

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Reply by jas


i had a dream where i was on my phone and the first thing i saw was the news that a star trek actor had died by getting crushed between a car and a gate on a news website. i have never watched star trek, nor do i know this actor in particular. i brushed it off because i felt it was something i shouldn't be concerned about, but then days later, i was on twitter and i saw the news that the same actor has recently passed away from the same incident in my dream. i was very shaken up by how that very specific event in my dream manifested to reality, like it still makes me shiver thinking about it.

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Reply by Samantha


I did once. Long story short I had a dream when I was like 13-14 where I was super concerned about my aunt then woke up all panicked asking my parents if my cousins were going to be ok and if they were going to be able to handle everything alright. The next day we got a call saying my aunt had been attacked the night before while walking less than a mile back home from a bar after a night out with a friend.

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Reply by 𝓬𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓮


The one I remember most was about the rona. In mid-January 2020. 

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Reply by Kyle_is_short


I had a dream that someone tried getting into my house and that I couldn’t close the door. When I woke up someone was was trying to break in with a flashlight.

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Reply by kay valentine


yes! i used to frequently have really niche daydreams. i would basically vividly imagine me going through school, having conversations with teachers/coworkers (or even family and friends), just any random daily occurrence. and sometimes the exact same thing that i daydreamed about would end up happening in real life say a couple weeks later. it was like i was having deja vu. very strange. 

i also used to ride motorcycles with my dad when i was younger. i wouldn't necessarily call this a premonition, but the day we crashed, before we went out to ride i remember telling my mother "i hope we don't crash," and i had never said anything like that before. weird shit lol 

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My grandpa died last year and around the time it was really hard for me to process and I'd constantly have dreams where he was still alive until one day I had a dream when we were in the car with my mom driving and we were going somewhere and then I realized. I was like you're dead you're not supposed to be here and he was yelling saying shh don't tell your mom she's supposed to take me to this place like it's fine. Now I still have dreams about him but I know he's dead and he always holds me or tells me comforting stuff until it's time for him to leave it's always different scenarios because they're dreams but one thing always stays the same he has a time limit on how long he can come and visit. I know they're just dreams but I like to think it's him reaching out to me.

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Reply by GodOfCream


one time i dreamt i was at my friends house and i was standing in the kitchen and i remember there being a space puzzle on the table and the next day i was in the exact same place.

in the kitchen standing by the table with a space puzzle on it.

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Reply by .+* aurora *+.


all the time! it usually happens in my sleep and most of the dreams came in 2018, and since then I’ve been getting massive deja vu and realising I dreamt this exact conversation/scenario years ago. it’s crazy, but apparently my dad was the same. I still get those moments, and usually it isn’t always something interesting or helpful, but my old best friend stopped me from getting hit by a bus because she dreamt it the night before. weird. 

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Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx


I did back in March 2018. I was only 11 1/2 years old at the time. It's not a dream I like talking about, but I'm doing it here anyways. I had a dream (more of a nightmare, honestly) where my family got into a big argument and I stood there terrified. I woke up just as terrified as I was in the dream before I calmed down and realized it was just a dream.

A few weeks later on Sunday, April 8th, 2018, the exact same scenario played out and the exact words in the dream were said in real life. I had an instant flashback to the dream I had a few weeks prior.

Also, I'm not sure if this counts, but I had a weird dream back the morning of Saturday, August 6th, 2022. In that dream, I went on a walk and saw 1 of my friends. We talked for a little bit before I noticed he had snakebites and I didn't. I remember trying my hardest to suppress my jealousy and sadness. He was getting all sorts of attention for having his lip pierced and he had something I deeply desired in real life. A few minutes later, I ran back to my apartment, took a fat sewing needle to both sides of my lower lip, and met back up with my friends and they started complimenting me too. I felt like I was at the top of the world at that moment in the dream before I woke up and realized that it was only just a dream.

It was around that moment where I knew exactly what I needed to do. The stress of not having them was slowly killing me. Everything else I had tried to do to get rid of this stress had failed. In addition, I was fully healed from the oral surgery I had back on 2/24/2022 to remove my wisdom teeth and have a gold chain attached to my then impacted lower left canine by then. That's right, I had a plan to pierce my own lip. A few days later, I met up with a different friend who had snakebites in real life which caused me to feel even more resentful over the fact that I hadn't yet been allowed to have them.

Fast forward to Thursday, October 6th, 2022, after a failed attempt with a sewing needle on 8/25/2022, I had successfully pierced my own lip with 2 hollow 14G needles. I went to school the next day and all my friends thought I was cool when I showed them my new snakebites. I felt like I was at the top of the world that day despite my lip being swollen and throbbing a little bit.

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Reply by Aaron


I almost constantly have dreams that come true. It's usually random, inconsequential stuff - except for one big one. On the morning of September 11, 2001, just before I woke up I had an intense dream in which I was looking at 2 large trees. One of them was struck by lightning and then crumbled like a building being demolished. Then the other tree was struck a few moments later and also crumbled. I could hear people screaming all around the world. And then a few hours later, the WTC happened.

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Reply by v3speres


At a boarding school in Ireland. Was doing some homework and heard an ear shattering scream/wail from outside my window. I rush over to my window to see if there was someone outside and nothing. I texted all my friends on the same floor if they heard it and they said they heard absolutely nothing. That night I went to sleep and had a dream that my great aunt was sick and on her death bed, which was weird because I hadn't seen her for almost year. A month later she passed from covid. To this day I'm convinced it was a banshee telling me she was going to pass soon.

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Reply by Tommo


I am a ghost. I am dead. This is how I connect and I saw my own death two weeks before it happened.

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Reply by dead_onion


Really dumb but like REALLY dumb, i predicted the end of regular show two years before it ended lol

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Reply by Arius


I actually wrote a paper on precognitive dreams for one of my psych classes in university. I forget the stats, but something like half of all people report having these. They are distinguishable by the fact that they aren't weird like dreams usually are. Everything in them is eerily normal. They seem random most of the time. Short snippets. And they come true, of course. Abraham Lincoln famously journaled about his impending funeral, which he foresaw in a dream shortly before he died.

I believe that this is a natural human capacity, and that precognition was stronger prior to civilization, when we were more attuned to our bodies. In "Future Primitive" John Zerzan has written about anthropologists who noted myriad stories of people being able to sense things across space and time without the use of their 5 normal senses. Like sensing when a loved one was in danger, or was about to return home after a long trip, or being able to have visions of where to go to catch food during hard times.

I've had many of these experiences myself, but there's two that I usually talk about.

The first actually wasn't a dream, so much as a waking premonition. I had just turned 7 years old. I walked into the room where my Opa was, looked at him, and it was like I'd been struck by lightning. I think I remember that there was something different about his eyes; I don't know if I believe in "auras," but I sensed that his had changed, as if he had already left his body. I felt a shiver run down my spine and a loud male voice in my head said "he's going to die." I ran out of the room with my heart pounding because it freaked me out so much. That was the last time I ever saw him alive. A week or so later, he had a massive heart attack out of nowhere and dropped dead at the age of 68. When I heard the news, I was not surprised - I already knew it was going to happen.

Another one happened a few years later. At this point I'd had many precognitive dreams. I got the weird unreal feeling that always happens when one of the dreams starts coming true in real life. Except this time, I was prepared. As the dream unfolded before my eyes, I was able to FAST FORWARD through my memory of the dream and see things that were about to happen. There was a specific sequence of events where a friend approached me and said a key phrase, something unique and unusual. (I forget now what it was.) I said the words to myself under my breath before he said them to my face. Again I felt like I'd been struck by lightning. This shouldn't be possibly, I thought. I had seen the future.

And yet, why should this be impossible? We know nothing about spacetime, and our theories about it lead to paradoxes - if time is linear then when did it begin? If every effect has a cause, then what caused the first cause? - so obviously they are wrong. We also know very little about human consciousness. Or reality, for that matter. We're only capable of perceiving a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum with our senses. We truly don't know much of anything. 

And there are actually theories of physics currently in existence that would allow for precognition. I don't have the paper I wrote at hand, but I do remember that it contained an interesting theory about harmonic resonances across spacetime, the idea being that our future minds are vibrating in tune with our present and past minds, and that it's possible to "(p)remember"  the future. I'm going to explain this badly because of brain fog, but let me put it this way. Once, I was sitting in a room across from a harpist, holding a guitar in my hands. She plucked an A string on her harp, and the A string on my guitar started to vibrate and produce sound. This is because the strings were tuned so similarly that the one could vibrate the other. Or, another musical example. If I play two notes that are very close in pitch to each other, they create oscillating waves that will slowly start to oscillate together. That is, the two frequencies will eventually cancel into one. If they are far apart from each other, this doesn't really happen. Different frequencies can co-exist, either in harmony or dissonance, like the sound of a fridge. But if they are too similar, that's when they change each other.

Hypothetically, if all matter is waves, and our brains are matter that creates consciousness, and our present brain is in a similar state to our future brain, then the vibrations of our future brain could maybe vibrate our present brain across spacetime, causing perhaps some thoughts or images from the future to be stimulated in the present. I'm not saying this is what is happening, but it's just an interesting idea. 

At any rate, we know that the idea of time being linear is almost certainly an illusion.

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Reply by Zuchini


I had a dream the other day that I had to get braces but weirdly it was super a vivid dream. Just went to the dentist today and they told me I needed to get braces. It's not crazy but pretty weird.

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Reply by Lucifer


Yes, so much time i have that.

One day i dream about an accident, an ambulance just crash and the people on it died. In my dream i was one of the patient of that ambulance, two days after that in the news appears a notice exactly like my dream. All died.

In the same year I dream about my death, I see myself diyng one, two, three times and all times I died a similar form. One month later three of my uncles died like my dream.

Gosh, was so creepy...

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Reply by Ambar_9506


Mi mama y mi abuela suelen tener este tipo de sueños. Una vez mi mama tubo un sueño en el cual iba caminando por la calle y veía el auto de mi tío en un accidente dado vuelta y adentro de este estaba mi tío de cabeza y mi mama le decía que se despertaba que todo iba a estar bien, despues la despiertan a mi mama y le dicen que mi tio tubo un accidente con el auto y quedo de cabeza. Mi tio sobrebibio pero ese sueño es de los que mas mes sorprende 

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Reply by CrystalPalaceWitch


If I get Close too People? then I can Predict Their Deaths so I try to Keep my Distance from Most People.                                                             One time we were Playing Musical Chairs with a Guy in Church and The Next Day he was Found Dead.                                                            And Another Time there Was a Guy Whom Was Painting a Church and He Fell to His Death While Painting A House and I already know that was Going to Happen.

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Reply by KieranGecko


Not exactly a dream, but back in October of 2016, I woke up one morning vomiting all over my bed. It was around 4 in the morning, I believe. Either way, after that nasty awakening, I got up and decided "Fuck it. I'll just play some videogames". 

Two hours later, my mom comes rushing into my room and tells me that my Grandpa, on my Dad's side, is in the hospital due to a heart attack. After we clean up my bed and make sure I'm not still sick, my dad drives us to the hospital to see Grandpa. He was asleep when we got there, hooked up to a bunch of machines. I went in and saw him. I didn't know what to say to him. I just kinda said hi to him and told him I love him. That was the last time I ever saw him. Later that night, I was told that he had passed away.

I still think about it sometimes. What if I woke up sick that morning because God, or whoever is out there, was trying to give me a warning that Grandpa was dying and that I needed to say my goodbyes to him? I'll never know if that was the case or not.

Regardless, I miss him so much and I wish he was still here with us. He lived a good long life and love him a lot.

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Reply by KIT!!!!!!


I don't really dream about a lot of premonition stuff, but a LOT of the time I have dreams where I'll be in a very specific location and then boom! Anywhere from the next day to the next month, I'll go somewhere IRL that looks eerily close to the place I dreamt about. Every once in a while (but rarely), I'll have dreams about my mom hanging out with me, and telling me she loves me in the middle of the dream, and that she has to leave, and in the dream I'll get sad and scared to the point of BAWLING my eyes out. After that she leaves, and I hang out in the dream for a while, missing her, then waking up. I've had the premonition-type dreams for almost my whole life, and the ones about my mom after her death. While she made a lot of parenting mistakes, she was AMAZING to her community and me, equally. Rest in peace, momma. <3

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Reply by alec


not specifically a dream but, I had gotten my tarot read by some friends a month before I had started becoming close friends with this person I ended up dating.

when I had gotten a love reading, it claimed that this next relationship opportunity would come with a warning, and that this will begin soon. it felt very strongly like this warning was very important. months later, when November came around, the event that would change my friendship with someone occurred, and i had a choice to date them or not.

logically, and something else was leaning me towards not being in this relationship (completely had forgotten about the tarot reading at this point), and MULTIPLE friends had warned me to not be in a relationship with this person.

that relationship turned to be a huge point in my experience with relationships with people so far and had effected many aspects in my life. it was a huge mistake.

i feel like those warnings were defensibly a sign and idk if i'm being too overly spiritual because if i'm not, the timing and coincidence is just crazy

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Reply by ana


ive only had prophetic dreams like twice and they were kinda vague so i dont think they count

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Reply by Autumn 🦇


I had a premonition about my mom dying the night before she died lmao

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