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what's your favorite sci-fi movie?

mine are Cocoon and both versions of The Fly.

I also like Frankenhooker due to it's ridiculousness lmao

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Reply by $YD


I always find it tricky to just pick a singular favourite, so instead I'll list a few here :p

District 9 has always been a film that wows me, I just wish I could learn even more about the prawns :]

Mars Attacks never gets old, if you're someone who's into behind the scenes trivia there's definitely a lot to read into a little with this one!

I don't often watch "newer" films but Colour out of Space absolutely blew my mind, I'm always big on the way colour can be strategically used in film and this was a huge treat to the eyes.

[Edit: Accidentally hit post before I was done]

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Reply by presley <3


Red dwarf 100% it's so underrated like no one talks about it anymore?? and idk if the mighty boosh counts as sci fi or if it's just surreal but I like that as well 

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Reply by BerryJellybeans


$YD is right, Mars Attacks is timeless!

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Reply by BerryJellybeans


also thanks for the recs, presley. will look both up

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