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Any tips for Dual Enrollment students?

I just start English Dual Enrollment 12 and I'm a little concerned about how well I'll do, I'm aiming for B+ to A- but I'm only okay to pretty good at writing essays. It doesn't have to be specifically English DE so if there's a tip for a different DE type that'd be cool too.

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Reply by The.Online_Mercedes


I'm currently taking dual credit courses at my school but I've also taken dual enrollment courses last year so I feel qualified enough to answer your doubts. I don't know if you're mixing up dual credit and dual enrollment but dual credit involves your grades having to be the same for both high school and college grades. However, grades in dual enrollment courses are a little bit different. The grades in your college courses don't necessarily have to match up with your grades on the high school side. This is a bad thing because if you get bad grades and don't do work if your high school teacher assigns you extra work (my high school chem teacher did), your grades are going to be bad on the high school side and not the college side which means that your college grades won't be represented. Also, college grading requirements are much more strict than those of a high school student so if you really are taking a dual enrollment class, your grade will also be affected from the higher grading requirements of college. 

The good thing about dual enrollment classes is that you're given the choice of whether or not you choose to accept these credits. Overall, I wouldn't struggle since I've taken easy dual credit classes and English shouldn't be too difficult in my opinion (I'm also in a dual credit English course but so far it's not too difficult).

Also, in case you were wondering these are all of my past as well as current Dual Credit and Dual Enrollment classes:

  1. Dual Credit US History (10th Grade)
  2. Dual Enrollment Chemistry ((10th Grade) I did not like this class. It's the most rigorous Dual Enrollment class I've taken so far and I struggled)
  3. Dual Credit English 3 (This class is facilitated for 1st semester which means that I have a professor on the college side for now. By 2nd semester, my high school teacher will also be my college professor)
  4. Dual Credit Government (Right now, I'm taking an AP Macroeconomics class since government is only a half credit and AP Macroeconomics is a requirement to be in dual credit government and I need an Economics credit to graduate next school year. However, I've heard that it's easy from those that are in the class this semester)

I hope this advice helps. Bye Bye!

From: Mercedes Powers (The digital nerd that sometimes struggles with AP Pre-Cal homework but uses online math resources to understand it)

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