Halloween is in 2 months and I'm already hyped. Get in the spooky mood by sharing your stories.
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2 Replies
Reply by Aevisia
I've had a few interesting experiences with interdimensionals! Into my early teen years I started to notice myself becoming clairaudient, though, given my christian background I thought I was hearing demons at the time. The earliest paranormal experience I remember was a man's voice whispering my name, which was accompanied by the sound of radio static. It woke me up and I got up to try and figure out where the radio static was coming from. I didn't have my radio turned on, no electronics were on. The radio static sound faded after a few seconds and I just went back to bed confused. When I got older and started exploring my spirituality more, I discovered than when we get in a state of deep relaxation, the brain changes frequencies which makes it possible to hear what's beyond the veil. It's quite interesting to learn that we ourselves are similar to radios that way!
I have some other paranormal stories in my spiritual awakening blog post for anyone interested in checking it out! :) I've seen dark mists, orbs, had healing experiences, astral projected, tons of stuff over the years. I'll probably post more about it in future posts, but this particular post is probably too long to paste as a reply so if you want to read, it's here.
Reply by Deaths_Smile
Most of my ghost stories happened when I was younger, several being from over 10 years ago.
One night, I was sitting on the couch alone in my living room. It was either around midnight or 1am. I was staying up since it was thunder storming (and I was terrified of storms as a kid) and I planned to go to bed when it was over. Well, as I sat there, a full-body apparition appeared around 4-5 feet away from me. It was a shadow person. A man standing, facing the side (to my left), wearing what appeared to be a suit and a bowler hat. I didn't get any sense of fear from him, and when I blinked, he vanished.
Another night I was laying in bed, but couldn't sleep. As a kid, I used to wait for a certain time and get up to ask my mom if it was okay for me to go downstairs and sit on the couch until I was tired. As I waited, I stared out of my bedroom door and looked into the hall at the doorway to my parents' room. After a couple minutes, a tall (7+ feet), glowing-white figure with a triangle for a head (think Phineas and Ferb or Spy vs. Spy kind of triangle head) began to walk from the left side of my doorway down the hall to the right. It stopped in front of my doorway. When it did, I immediately rolled over and covered my head with my blankets. It terrified me. After a minute or less, I ended up looking back to the hall and it was gone. To the left of my doorway is the very end of the hall.
Another story, much shorter, from my childhood happened in the early morning. I was laying in bed, waking up. I opened my eyes to see two shadowy arm held a few feet above me, the body they belonged to just out of my view. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, they were gone.
A much more recent event happened several years ago. I was in my room, trying to sleep. The loose handle of my nightstand suddenly shifted and "fell" (only one half is properly screwed in). A few minutes later, I heard the voice of a man whispering next to my bed. I covered my ears and made sure to keep my eyes closed. I have no idea what he was saying, if it was even English. By this time in my life, I kept the door to my room shut at night.
Another more recent event was also just a couple years ago. I was standing in the doorway to my room. My brother had taken a ladder into my room to get into the attic (the "door" is in my room; it's one of those things you have to push into the ceiling). As he was moving around up there, I saw from the corner of my eye a dark mass drop from the ceiling in the hallway down to the floor. When I looked over, there was nothing that could have fallen. There wasn't a sound from it, either. By this point me and my mom had come up with a running joke of a ghost named "Carl" living in the attic, which we said caused all the weird noises and small events that would happen in the house.
By the way, this house was built for my family, so it's relatively new (around 21-ish years old).