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I spoke with a cryptic entity in my dreams, and I don't know what it means

The dream starts with me, waking up in a forest, It's not from a first person perspective as I can see myself walking around, though I don't look like "myself." I have pretty short brown hair, but the person I was in my dream had medium length white hair, and they were wearing a red suit. There was a small plastic table with teacups on it, which resembled and old tea-set I used to have as a child, though one of the cups was made of china, and it had broken. For some reason I decided to take a piece with me. 

I walk through the forest (to the left if I can recall) and I seem to pass the same crystal blue lake every time I walk past this clearing, so I began to run, faster and faster until I felt practically weightless. But then as I'm running, something is standing at the lake, and that causes me to stop and go back. The figure seemed oddly humanoid but when I look back at the lake all I can see is a deer drinking water on the other side, a buck to be exact. 

The deer was missing both of its eyes, and its body seemed to be almost decomposing, as its movements were slow and rigid as it dried to drink. Its teeth looked like a dog's and they were bright cherry red. For some reason I approached it, but as my foot touched the surface of the lake, I could walk on it. 

I sat in front of the deer crisscross-applesauce of course, and as I do in the corner of my eye I can see that a bunch of lanky shadowy figures are watching me from behind the tree's, their only real noticeable facial features being their bright, monochrome eyes. I look beneath me, and despite the crystal clear water, I cant see the bottom of the lake. 

The deer looks at me and it whispers in a voice that sounds like a young girl, it says "You've been asleep for a while, shouldn't you wake up?" Before the lake seems to give out beneath me, and I fall in. 

As I fall into the water, the buck looks down at me, and the shadowy figures gather around the edges of the pool to look as well, when I look at the bottom of the lake, I see large groups of bright red hands reaching up to grab me. 

I wake up in a house which I register to be my grandma's, but I doesn't look like either of my grandma's houses, or even a mix of them. I walk outside and its a cloudy day, and the house seems to be placed directly on the sand on the beach. I look out into the ocean and I see a silhouette of myself standing ankle-deep in the water, with a pair of antlers on its head, and its only facial creatures are its eyes, like the shadow creatures from before, then my dream ended.

I had this dream when I was around 11-12 years old, and its haunted me ever since, so if anyone can help decipher what this dream meant or if anyone knows whatever spoke to me in this dream was, please tell me! Thank you!

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Reply by Dead Weight


Zero expertise here, but I think that you:

  1. Contacted some entity from the lower astral plane that tried to keep you out of harm's way for some reason
  2. Faced a primal fear and the possibility of becoming said fear.
That's as much as I dare to speculate.

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Reply by Oak Madleaf


Had you, by that time, heard Wendigo tales? The deer-dog-man reminds me of such creatures of ancient lore, indeed, but I am not well-versed enough in how those creatures equate in dreams to make heads or tales about it. 

The forest is filled with many things we do not understand in the modern era - were you staying somewhere in the country at the time? Perhaps that had something to do with it. 

I think this dream, at its core, may be clawing at some sort of uncanny valley phenomenon, but I ultimately can't make heads or tails on it. Consult a birch tree, they're good with this type of thing. 

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