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On Dropping out of school, advice needed.

 My dad wants me to drop out of highschool. I'm already of age to drop out, but I don't want to. I plan on going to college, and Im a pretty good student, I only ever get A C or Above, usually I get A's. My dad wants to move back to Puerto Rico, in 2 or 3 years, and yesterday at night he made a weird suggestion for me to drop out. It seemed very out of the blue, as my dad has usually discouraged us from doing so, but he told me he thinks it'd be best to drop out and get my GED instead. I don't want to do this but if my dad moves to Puerto Rico before I finish I might drop out since where he plans to move in a very remote place in mountains and there are no schools super nearby. Thoughts?

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Reply by nour


Definitely strive to finish high school and get your diploma first, it'll be hard enough if you drop out during high school, and a GED can give you opportunities you could be looking for but a high school diploma itself will get you far if u consider applying for a community college and/or a uni, even if you take a break before your assumed freshman year of college x best of luck. I'm sure ur dad means well but whats best for you is your education x

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