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Sleep Paralysis + Weird Dreams?

So I have a very bad experience with sleep. I've been struggling with insomnia, night terrors, and sleep paralysis since I was 10 (I'm 18 now). I used to dread night time because of the paralysis specifically. I had your typical hat man, shadow people, and chest sitting sleep paralysis. But as the years went by I eventually stopped seeing things, and my sleep paralysis became auditory. At first, they were things like static and whispering. The whispers slowly turned into screams. At some point I had been so sleep deprived, that I swear I saw my dead brother sitting at the edge of my sisters bed. I remember him saying something as I was falling asleep, but I wasn't able to understand his words. The next day, when I woke up someone whispered a date in my ear. I didn't freak out or anything, but after that I became obsessed with finding out what happened on that date. But when night rolled around, I was too scared to sleep in my room. So I took my blankets and slept on the living room floor. My mom woke up the next morning, and told me to sleep in her bed while she was at work. So I did, and as I was falling back asleep I heard a little girl talking to me. I couldn't move, and I couldn't see her. I could only see the top of the door, which was slightly open. I tried to talk back to her, but the words got caught in my throat. The sleep paralysis didn't last very long, and when I woke up I immediately went to check on my sister. I thought that maybe she came to talk to me. But she was asleep...

Nothing happened for about a year.

But almost exactly a year later, I had sleep paralysis 2 nights in a row. The first night, I felt something on my head. Almost like it was covering my face, and there was a weight on  my chest. I also heard what sounded like tv static, and then a little girl was talking to me. The voice was familiar, and I realized it was the same little girl voice. Again, I couldn't see her. When I woke back up, there wasn't anything on me. Not even a blanket. There wasn't anything in my room making noise. It was weird. The next night, I felt someone dragging me out of my bed by my ankles and when I tried to yell it got caught in my throat. But then, someone else started screaming. It was the same voice as before. She screamed for what felt like forever, and then I woke up. 

Nothing happened for another year.

Again, almost exactly one year later, I had some very interesting dreams for 2 nights in a row. The first dream takes place in maybe the late 60s/early 70s. The little girl is there, I recognized her voice. This time I could actually see her though. She has tan skin, and 2 long black braids, and I am the only person that can see and hear her. I'm in a car with 5 other kids, and 2 adults. Her family. I don't know who I am, because I'm witnessing it from MY point of view, but I'm also aware that I am not myself in this dream. We are on our way to an amusement park, because the  little girl LOVED this amusement park. But when we get there, her favorite ride is closed. She begins to throw a massive tantrum, in only the way a little girl can. Her screams are familiar, and everyone looks at me crazy because I'm reacting to a tantrum that they cannot see. Then I wake up.

 I was late for school that morning, and I was the only person in the hallway. I felt someone breathing on me, and then they whispered the same date from 2 years before. It sent a chill down my spine, and when I turned around there wasn't anybody there. There was nobody there. 

The next night, I have another dream. This dream begins in a void. There is no setting, there is no sound, just pitch black surrounding me. The little girl walks up from behind me and grabs my hand, and we walk. As we walk, our surroundings begin to change. We go from the void, to the woods, then to an empty road. It was very hot on the empty road. There were a few trees, lots of sand, and lots of pavement. But I enjoyed our time on the road, because it gave me more time to pay attention to her. She was really small, she seemed about 5? But even for a 5 year old, she's still really small. Her dress had a slight pink tint to it, it wasn't  very bright. It looked like it could have been white at first. Her hair was dark, but it seemed closer to brown than black now. Maybe it was the sunlight... her skin was also darker now. It was a dark tan color, much like mine as a child. I didn't see her face yet. She had these ruffle socks on, but no shoes. The bottoms of her socks were black now, from having walked without shoes. Her hair was still in braids though. Our surroundings changed again, this time we were nearing a town. We moved from the empty road, to a sidewalk. We went into an antique shop, and immediately something was off. The little girl turned to me, and smiled. Her eyes looked like mine when I was a kid, but she didn't look like me. Her cheeks weren't chubby, her lips weren't thin, and she had a few crooked teeth. She ran ahead of me, and I watched the entire store turn to stare at me. There wasn't a single person in the store that looked like her. Everyone was pale, they had blonde hair, and they seemed older. Not elderly, but not young either. They all just glared at us as we were shopping. I was hesitant to shop, everything seemed out of place. I walk up to the little girl, because the way a few of these people were looking at her made me uncomfortable. She turned to me and smiled again, before this woman comes up to me and says "Are you another one of them damn Indians?" I didn't say anything, I just pretended to be interested in something on the shelf. The woman leaves, but continues to stare at us from a corner in the store. The little girl hands me an open music box, with an unfamiliar song playing. Then I returned to the void, alone. And then I heard her talking to me before waking up. 

This last experience happened a few months ago. I don't know who the little girl is, and I don't know why I keep seeing her. A few nights ago, when I tried to sleep after working night shift, she would appear every time I closed my eyes. Everyone pretty much agrees that I'm either haunted, or experiencing some kind of past life thing. But I don't know...I'm not a skeptic person but I'm also not gullible. All I know is that it freaks me out whenever I encounter this little girl. 

What do you think?

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Reply by Aevisia


Have you looked into the history of the house or the land your house is built on? I'd be intrigued to know if it's built on a burial ground of sorts. It sounds like there could maybe be some history there. It could be a past life thing, but I'd rule out the property's history first and see what you find. You were given a date for a reason, repeatedly, so I'd assume something about that date is important and not meant to be ignored. Look it up and see what information you can find about it regarding your property and whoever might have lived there before you, or the history of the general area.

As for the sleep paralysis stuff if you want to prevent it, there are a few things you can do that have been really effective in my own experience. Pray for protection every night before you go to sleep. Make it part of your nightly ritual before you fall asleep. You don't have to be religious to do this, I'm not. But it works, so if you can make that a habit before falling to sleep it will help. Also, start creating energy shields before bed. This is a visualization practice you can do and is a technique I learned during a psychic protection course I took years back. I've applied it in dreams and can confirm it works well.

Light shields create a protective barrier between you and negative energy. Energy from within the shield is able to get out, but energy outside the shield is not able to get in.

There are many different colored shields that you can use, and each color has a different purpose. You can also layer as many different colored shields as you want to create the one you feel suits your needs the most. Below are the different colored shields you can create and their corresponding effects.

White: invokes the presence of your angels around you to keep you safe and protected and to guard and uplift your energy.

Pink: protects against negativity in all forms. Nothing can penetrate a pink light shield except for loving energies of love, light, and compassion. You're effectively sending loving into towards yourself, and all whom you encounter.

Green: Within the green shield of light Divine healing energy cleanses, heals and uplifts the physical body in the way which will most serve it.

Purple: Protect against negativity, align you with Divine guidance, and elevate your spiritual vibration simultaneously. All negativity in your midst will be transmuted into the light, and lower vibrational energies, entities, and negativity in all forms including psychic attack will be repelled, and if they come too close dissolved into the light of the Divine.

Blue: Soothe and calm your energy if you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed by the energies or people surrounding you. It will help you to collect your thoughts and clearly communicate your truth. Great shield to work with during sleep, of if you're feeling anxious, overly emotional, or heated.

Silver:  All negativity surrounding you is reflected away or neutralised. Silver light will also help to boost your intuition, and heal imbalances or instabilities within your energy

Gold: Boost your confidence, creativity, and spiritual inspiration. Gold carries an incredibly high vibration, and this colour of light makes a wonderful outer shell to be used in conjunction with any of the other light shield colours

To activate your light shield, mentally envision your desired color shield completely surrounding your body as if you were inside a balloon or bubble. Instruct the shield mentally with its purpose (feel free to say this out loud as well if you prefer). For example, if you used a purple light shield you could say, “I am shielded from all psychic attack. I am shielded from all negative energy. I am shielded from all harm”. This shield will remain in place for 12 hours.

Then ask Source, your God, Goddesses, Spirit Guides, Angels, whatever name you put your faith in to empower the shield and place it under their protection.

Again, energy is able to exit your shield but nothing negative will be able to enter your shield. It is unbreakable. Remember to visualize the shield as you are creating and instructing it. You can use this shield during the day as well before entering negative environments.

There are other rituals you can do for protection, but I'd start with that first. I hope that helps with your negative encounters, and I hope you find out more information about the girl. :) It sounds like she connected with you for a reason, and perhaps you looking into this history can put her at peace as well. Best of luck!

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