I'm familiar with Greer's work. He's a government op working to condition and disarm us. He calls the Aliens our "Space Brother." Let me ask you, would your brother come under the cover of darkness, render you helpless and remove you from your bed against your will? In other words kidnap you and take you aboard his ship, and once there remove your ova by inserting the biggest needle you've ever seen through your navel? Then insert a wand painfully far up your nose and place a tracking device so in future they can find you wherever you may be? Then a Grey type Alien will put his face inches away from yours and by looking into your eyes they'll pull all your memories out of you for implanting into a hybrid. They will take skin samples to clone you and also put you in a room full of immature hybrids where you're made to have physical contact with them to strengthen their immunological response. Because you know that babies that don't get physical contact will wither and die. Then you'll be shown images of the destruction of the earth after which you'll be admonished to be a good steward of the planet. Because as the farmer tends to his heard for they are his resource, so the Aliens tend to us.
Be careful what you wish for.
I'd advise you to watch some videos of abduction victims under hypnosis. You'll see pain and terror. Also read up on the abduction experience. I'm assuming you haven't if you're wanting to manifest this type of experience. Experiencers are repeatedly abducted throughout their life and the events only cease to occur when the victim is past their reproductive prime.
However, not all Alien types are hostile to us. One group will remove the implants because humans surgically extirpating them can lead to incredible pain and even death. Some of the implants run on the brain's own electricity. There's a podiatrist who has been removing them and there are pictures of the devices online.
The Alien agenda has been with us since our inception. They genetically modified a primate to create us. The purpose being as a resource because their race was dying out.Ā
I have friends that have been abducted. I've seen UFOs possibly a dozen times and photographed five of the events. I also know a guy who had sex with the "Most beautiful woman he'd ever seen" after being abducted. Given the Aliens ability to implant screen memories to mask traumatic experiences my guess is he had sex with some kind of giant slug. The Immaculate Conception of Mary was an abduction and impregnation after which she had her memory scrubbed. The Ecstasy of Theresa was an abduction and impregnation.
It all sounds too crazy to be true. The Aliens count on that.