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a message to anarchists [closed]

Posted by Tripp


Forum: News and Politics

if u dont like laws what do u do at a red light

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Reply by Dimitrijevich.


I am not an anarchist but I will write an answer to this.

Number one, due to the state of the society we live in right now it is in our best interests to follow laws. Or at least break them discretely, nobody wants jail time...Now, many people don't do this, and I completely respect that. Steal from that Walmart, maybe we'll bankrupt them!

Number two, stopping at a red light is a safety concern. Traffic lights and other signs are in place to make transportation safer and easier, and anarchists are people that want to harm other proletarians the least. Not stopping at a red light can lead to accidents. Usually fatal ones, too, due to the fact people tend to drive fast. It is but a few seconds of waiting at the traffic light that could save someone's life.

TL;DR Anarchists do stop at red lights, but due to safety concerns, not due to the fact they enjoy following the law.

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Reply by marky


laws are a part of society, which means that even though they can be dumb, you can also be punished by the state if you are found not following them, so ultimately it's the same question that you would ask anyone else, when is it safe to not follow the law?

also not really but tangentially related: many people break so many laws every day without knowing about them, and even lawyers are totally unable to know the entirety of US law. nobody even knows how many laws there are, there are so many of them. just a fun little tidbit

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