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i really dont understand america

im from portugal and im really confused, what a demovrat and what is a republican? here we dont reallu use that terms so can someone explain it to me? i aslo cant see any diference betwen the two, okay, here in portugal the two main parties are also realy similar but we can still see the diference but now i cant understand whats the diference betwen for example trump and biden, ok i think trunp is a bit more fascist ig (?) 

im just really comfused, can someone explain it to me

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Reply by Gray


I'm not heavily into politics but basically Democrats focus more on being progressive, social issues, and social justice. Republicans focus on traditional values and typically care more about economical and country related issues and betterment than social issues.

Another thing to point out in American politics is that people who identify as Liberal have views that align with Democrats while people who identify as Libertarian have views that align with Republicans.

Liberals value betterment for groups of people which social justice does while Libertarians value individualism and Republicans usually try to protect people's rights and the amendments.

But despite that both parties are known to work together in the background cause making money is all people in power care about.

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