A couple of weekends ago, I went on a tour of a haunted house. Both the house and the land have a lot of history. Including being a battleground during a war. At one point on the tour, as we were going from one room to the next, I felt like there was something watching me from behind but just tried to ignore it. But as we were getting ready to go back downstairs, I caved and looked over my shoulder and didn't see anything but still felt like there was something in the same spot and hadn't moved. Again, I couldn't physically see anything in front of me. Later on, we were allowed to wander around the house freely, and each time I went upstairs and paused on the top step, it felt like something was trying to push me down the stairs. A couple of us went to take pictures upstairs and when my friend took a picture of me, she caught an orb right in front of me.
Ever since leaving that house, I have felt off in a way that I can't quite describe. It's like there was this shift and I'm no longer quite myself. I've felt like an imposter at times. There's this pull trying to bring me back to the house. I don't really know how to explain it and I don't know what's going on.
Is it some kind of attachment or is it something more?