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Should I shift? BSA to BSBA Financial Management; also need career advice

Hello everyone, I'm in need of advice.

So a little bit about me;

 I'm currently studying accounting and after 2 years of studying, I realized I can't take this anymore and want to shift course. My passion really lies in the arts and humanities, and while I do love business, accounting just isn't for me and I should have fought my parents about taking a course I'd actually enjoy or have a talent for

I've had to retake my subjects twice in a row already and deep down, I always knew it wouldn't work out because accounting something that really requires focus and discipline, and I have adhd and BD lmaooooo which I dont get meds for because a lot of the people here (including my parents) still dont believe in mental health and I literally had to see a therapist on my own and pay for my own meds but I'm broke now and have to prioritize having money for lunch so yeah haha

Forgor to mention im filipino and im studying in one of the big 4 universities here which means tuition is ridiculously expensive and we're lower middle class shjbghsgh which makes me feel really guilty because my parents really wanted to put me in an expensive ass school for the purpose of seeing me graduate in accounting

I'm planning on shifting to financial management because I've been told its similar to accounting but not as stressful and would actually give me an opportunity to be able to grow in my interests more, develop my preexisting skills and give me more time so I can learn new ones;

I already talked to my parents about shifting and the first time, they got mad at me bruh said I wasn't studying enough and they're super hung up on the idea of me becoming a CPA and said every other business course isn't as good as accounting and doesn't offer the same versatility but the second time I asked, it was a lot more chill and my mom told me I should do what's best for me as long as I can graduate and be able to take care of myself, then also suggested Computer Science which ngl I vibe with as well, so yeah

Right now, I'm still taking my accounting subject and hoo boy I have no idea if I'll finally pass this one because its actually two subjects in one term (1 subject spans the start of the term until midterm, then the second subject starts after midterm until finals) so the second subj is gonna start soon and I talked with my friends and peers (a lot of them are struggling as well and one of em said they'll consider retrying if they pass atleast one of the subjects since this is still the second retry and hearing people retry thrice is quite common so yeah)

So, should I shift lmao 

and I also want to hear what kind of skills would help me find great job opportunities in the future because the starting salary in most industries here is horrible (13k-15k pesos, roughly around 230~260 usd) and I want to have an attractive resume and cv

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2 Replies

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Reply by superbad


r u ok now

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Reply by felixharrisonda


Deciding whether to shift from a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA) to a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) post with a focus on Financial Management is a significant decision that depends on various factors such as your interests, career goals, and the opportunities available in your chosen field.

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