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People need to be informed on politics.

Posted by Nour


Forum: News and Politics

Today, the average American knows less and less about basic politics. People are quick to believe a random social media post rather than do research. 

Understandable, really. With the universe at our fingertips, it's hard to know what's real and what's not. What truly had stone-cold research done on it and what was created as a joke. Of course, it's impossible to get every single adult fully informed on how our system works, but we shouldn't give up on informing others with true, real information.
People need to be aware about how our system works so that they can truly form their views on various topics. Will we, as American citizens, ever be able to achieve a great number of informed citizens? Who knows. But it's always worth a shot. 

Us, the people, need to be informed by those of us who are certainly informed. 

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Reply by Ghazi


Yea I feel you and the kicker is, social media is designed to be like that. Like the way we process information is so different nowadays instead of reading full articles, people really only read headlines now 

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Reply by Vigilante Stylez


It's a lost cause right now.  The adults we have today are the product of a failed education system that has conditioned them to not think for themselves.  They are essentially "brainwashed".  Logical thinking is completely out the window for most, and that's the way the "powers that be" like it.  In recent history in Nazi Germany, the people at the time were also disinterested in education, and intellectual conversation.  As a result they fell for all the lies the Nazi's told, and became stupid smooth brained fanatics.  America is also like this today.  But not just America, Western Europe too.  Eastern Europe is not brainwashed, because they lived under brutal communist dictatorial rule not too long ago.  I have friends in Poland and Cuba who can see plain as day that America is falling into the Communist trap.  They lived through it, and know it the communists are full of shit, and the government they bring is as bad as Nazi Germany or worse.  They know of the real "inequality" you get in those regimes.  They know of the human suffering and despair that happens at the hands of those regimes.  But people in America are dumbed down to the point that we are going out in the streets and demanding for the system to collapse, including our bill of rights, and constitution, in order to create a new regime, under a new "marxist" system  that we somehow think will be "fair, just, and equal".  Those who lived under communist rule have heard all that bullshit before, and know it's bullshit.  But not us.  We want it, and we want it now.  When we get it, we won't like it, and it will be too late then.  Any resistance will be crushed with overwhelming power and force.  There is no way out, we are in too far.  The only way Americans will wake up, is when it happens.  All we can do is let history run it's course.  Just worry about yourself, and your family at this point.  Waking up Americans will never happen.  

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