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Dreams of any kind

I was bored so I made this to some what cure a bit of it so yeah.

I don't know how to start this off just tell your dreams or some supernatural thing that happened to you that's all so yeah

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Reply by aya2bou


once i had a dream that i saw Corpse Husband's face and I was SOOOO SAD when i woke up and it not being real....he was pretty fine tho... AHHabhBIacajonco i need to go to sleepĀ 

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Reply by silly!!! :3


some time last year i had a dream that started with me, my mom, and my sibling, but none of us looked like us. i was some chubby looking kid, my sibling (lets say "k") was a kinda scrawny pre-teen ish kid, and my mom was ur run of the mill young mother from a sitcom. my dad was a character too, but he just looked like himself but like... wrong. a bit too tall, smiled a bit too much. there was an illness going around that made people more violent to people they were close to and it was HIGHLY contagious with little to no symptoms. the government had yet to address it i think but rumors were all over the internet and we knew for a FACT dad had it. my parents were already separated (theyve been separated for as long as i can remember, in and out of the dream) bc he was violent before the outbreak, but they had split custody. idk how but somehow me n k found out dad at the virus and told mom that we couldnt go, so we didnt. but mom still wanted us to have fun so she took us out to a better-than-most take out place but we couldnt go in if dad was in there because he loved US but not HER so mom would be mostly safe and could just walk away from him. she got in and out fine with food in hand but apparently dad was in there bc she caught the virus and spread it to k. i quarantined them with each other in dads house but that meant i was all alone in moms. a few days in the doorbell rang and when i opened the door there was a vhs tape on the welcome mat. i watched it on the boxy lil tv i had in my bedroom. it was a low-quality recording of k and mom standing together in the living room of dads house, with occasional but noticable crashing in the background (from dad breakin shit i think.) mom said 'something something we're a family through thick and thin something something we stay together no matter what' - i cant remember exactly bc it was a while ago but i know it ended with 'til death do we part.' then k went on their own rant but it was kinda garbley? all i could get out was hints of violence ("blood," "wound," "bash," ect) and the only part that really made sense was "-you won't see them, only your limitless love. they won't see you, only the endless flow of red. but we see you." k and mom repeated that for a bit. "we see you. we see you. we see you." then the tape shut off and through the reflection on the tv i could see my face was scribbled out in too-vibrant red. then i woke up and it was time for school

pretty detailed for a dream lol. i think thats why i remembered it. that paired with the fact that i hardly ever have dreams

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