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Sisngs you are an animal soul #therian #shapeshifter

Signs you have an animal soulBeing an animal-soul /"therian" isn't something you choose; you're just born that way. There are telltale  signs that will determine a true animal-soul. Later in the blog, I will also adress the slight difference between an animal-soul and a shapeshifter. our souls have had countless of past lives & what we are in each life is what forms the shape our soul overtime. Sadly, in our current lives, we arent always born the same species as our soul. Your soul can often be a compilation of things, as well. The largest halves of you will be whatever species you have had the most lives as.  So for ex, if you've lived more lives as a wolf than a human, your soul is probably more wolf than human. Having an animal soul simply means a large part, if not the entirety of your soul, is animal, or at least...nonhuman. Technically, a therian can have plant or insect etc souls as well. But we will focus on animal souls, since that is what this is about. As a young child, you would've become obsessed with a particular species(s) and ran on all fours, mimicked vocalizations of that animal. It immensely bothered you that u didnt have a tail, ears, fangs, claws, fur or scales. You have always thought differently from humans and never really understood them. You have instincts & mannerisms of your alt. Form.  Above all, you have a deep desire to run FREE out in Nature, as human society has never truly felt like Home.Sadly, we're often shunned for being ourself and so as we grow older, we might no longer run on our hands & feet or make animal noises...But I would argue most of us still do...even if its behind closed doors lol. You simply just feel like being human never came naturally to you. U feel like an animal caged inside a human's body. But if you're shunned enough for being you, you might eventually suppress all that & forget that side of your soul ever existed.there's an ancient Pagan saying that goes, "Life as what you are not brings only death." Again, more litetal than one might think.Plainly put, its the Pagan belief that if you supress your true self, it eats away at your Chakras, which are directly connected to the strength of your physical body. You can get chronic organ problems, Even cancer, simply because you aren't allowing yourself to be you.  It goes against the natural order of Nature & essentially, ur body starts to self-destruct.There's usually an in-between phase of this. Where even though you supress it for a very long time, you have random episodes of an involuntary FULL mental shift.  Normally, you would elect to go in and out of a FULL mental shift.  But you haven't let your animal side out in so long that it errupts like a volcano & it takes over your entire brain for a while. It allows your chakras to recover, but often at a grim price. When its involuntary like that, it's near-impossible to control. people can get stuck in mental shift simply because they've suppressed their animal half for too long. Unfortunately, this only deepens the level of wrath from anyone who witnesses it. When you're in control of it they just call you weirdo but when you can't control it you get sent to an assylum.  In my case, I was abused for who I was so that only made my suppression worse. You can end up feeling just dead inside. Zero emotion.  Can't cry can't laugh nothing but an empty shell. You can reverse this damage, but it's not easy.  It took me over a decade to reverse my own supression.  Don't learn the hard way like I did...NOTHING and I repeat NOTHING is worth sacrificing who you REALLY are and you 100% DESERVE to be who you truly are.last but not forgotten...what's the diff. Between an animal soul and a shapeshifter & how do you know which one you are?  a shapeshifter is an animal soul that can shift physically.  Because of this, our physiology is slightly yet notably different. For ex, we have heightened senses in our human form, which a typical non-shifting therian would not have. These senses aren't nearly as profound as our alt.form, but they are beyond what humans are capable of. heightened sense of smell, hearing, nightvision, etc., are just a few examples. But it doesn't always stop at the senses...you may be stronger than u should for ur size, or even have slightly sharper teeth. sometimes your own stomach can't even process what a human would eat; its only capable of digesting what your alt. Form can eat. Literally.  you try to eat what a human does & you're sick for days.  The stronger the variance in physiology usually means 2 things: your animal half is overwhelmingly the largest half of you, and thus is why it presents in human form...&/OR...you've probably done a little partial shift at some point which made a permanent change to your physiology in your human form. 

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