1. My favorite crystals are the ones with a lot of power and a high potential for healing (I use it as an inspiration to learn how to use it and also as a reminder to be careful about how I am doing it).
2. The most important crystals I use are the ones with high energy potential (which I use for the purpose of healing).
3. My favourite crystal are the crystals with the most power. I use it as a way of getting my energy and healing to a higher degree. I like to think I can get my energy and energy to higher levels by using crystals and crystals that can be opened. I also use the ones with the most power as a reminder to not get too far into a situation where it is not practical to get too far in a moment.
So if this is the best way to heal your energy and energy to higher level crystals I would definitely recommend this to everyone and if not, I will share my opinion.