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Meaning or Goal for your life ‘,:I

YO, i made this topic to learn about wut keeps you going or what gives your life meaning because im a little curious, in simple terms what is your meaning/goal in life? hopefully this doesn’t come off 2 harsh for people im just curious to see how different people are, ill start with ME.

i don’t really know my meaning to life nor do i know what keeps me going :I i hate life, not in a bad way as if im depressed or something, but i don’t really know how to feel about living, weird i know. all i know is that im here and alive thats it, why do people hate other people, why do people make everything into a competition, why do people lie, why are people so.. fake? like whenever someone talks about anything they don’t sound.. real? etc. i also don’t know why i HAVE to have a meaning or a goal, i know some religious people follow their beliefs or just plain normal people where their meaning is to make it somewhere, i can’t really point a finger where or what i want my meaning to be so for now mine is to find a meaning to life.

wow im bad at correct writing sorry, im looking forward to seeing what other people think of and whats in their mind :) if anyone wants to ask me about what my meanings are to other things im happy to answer B) i know i don't think like others so u will get a good but strange answer to it, PEACE.

p.s i feel like i didn’t explain this correctly so ask and i shall answer it for u better.

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2 Replies

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Reply by Seth


I have 5 nephews, their mom tries her best but she's short sighted and bad with money - and their dad's a piece of shit who'll keel over in the next decade from bad life decisions.

When I was 14 my branch of the family tree was robbed of any inheritance we ever could've hoped for. To this day we've got no land, no money, and all I have left of my elders is a rusty, loose, break action 20 gauge from a century ago.

If it kills me - I'll leave those kids something tangible, and useful, before I'm in the ground. That's what keeps me going. Familial obligation, and spite for the one's who felt they had none.

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Reply by Moira <3


I think I’ll always find meaning in meeting people and understanding them the best I can. Just learning new things in general is pretty awesome

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