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what do my dreams mean? (CW: S/A)

Posted by rexxu ルビー


Forum: Dreams and the Supernatural

Recently I’ve been having uncomfortable dreams, where I get s3xually assaulted by people I know (such as my own parents, my sibling, friends) or just random strangers my brain makes up. (some times its a video game character or video game related in a way).

I don’t know what these dreams mean or why I’m having them, and I want them to go away. I don’t fantasize about stuff like this, the only time I do think about it is when I get intrusive thoughts. 

I’m not a bad person and I feel weirdly guilty about these dreams even though it’s not my fault most of the time, and it’s not real. What do I do???

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Reply by Gwen<3


something similar but also not at all similar happens to me. the difference is i am experiencing sleep paralysis and the figures are stripping the clothes from me and yk doing stuff and when i fully wake up im in shock and im sobbing. idk what this means ive never been physically SA’d or atleast not to my knowledge and i dont want to be. so i fr dont know what this could mean

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Reply by misa<3


sorry for my bad english 

we dream abbt our deepest fears. perhaps you've heard many such stories and developed some type of phobia ??  I've had that too and I distanced myself from male family members fearing that they would do smth to me. I think you should just not listen when stuff like this comes up anywhere and/or talk to someone abbt it ??

my therapist said that idk

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