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i had a dream of a person ive never met and then i met them the next day?

one night when sleeping i had a dream about me and this guy getting together (which was weird enough because im a lesbian) but he suddenly disappears and i get super sad and i think hes dead blah blah blah idk i think it was a fever dream. I go to school the next day hearing about a new kid and am told he will sit next to me and just as i was speculating if i had ever met a boy that looked like the boy in my dream, he walked in the room and as he sat down i audibly said "what the actual fuck" he says "what" with a freaked out look on my face and i notice him as the exact same voice and energry i swear i have never heard or felt before. i just shut my mouth and ive never told my friends the weird boy i dreamt about turned out to be him. has anyone had this happen this has happened to me many times?

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