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What does it mean? (TW: RAPE)

A while ago I had a nightmare that I was nearly a victim of rape. It was some woman I never saw in my life. In the dream, she was trying to molest her little brother before trying to molest me. What does this mean? Does this mean anything?

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Reply by basshunterluvr


I've had a dream like that aswell. I remember feeling helpless, not being able to do anything about it. Instead of focusing on the details of the dream, try to focus on the feelings you felt. It could be linked to the feelings you feel when you're awake (dreaming is a way for the brain to process things it's seen or felt during the day.) I came to the conclusion from my dream that I sometimes feel I'm trapped, in different scenarios. I then tried to think of what made me feel that way and what to do about it :)

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Reply by ArachnidsGrip


ive had a couple of dreams of me getting sa'ed. it could relate to a past memory or hidden one that relates to it? Or maybe it can symbolize lack of boundaries/power someone has over you? Im not sure, but i hope ur doing okay :)

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