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Okay, so Ive had these two dreams right? Help me make out what they mean please!

I always strangely have a recurring dreams, so here are two that I remember distinctly! 

Dream #1

Whenever I'm sick so whenever I have it, I always know I'm actually sick. It always starts with me looking at myself in 3rd person run in the dark, and the floor is always in a grid pattern for some reason, and also I'm running away from something, but I can never tell from what. I continue watching myself run, and I'm always so panicked watching myself, but then my perspective changes and I'm in 1st person. I can feel my body running and I can feel the sweat and I'm always breathing with my mouth open while running, and the air is cold, so it feels like shards of glass in my lungs, y know? I keep on running in the dark and then I can sense something behind me, chasing me, but I can't turn around. I continue running in the same direction, which should be straight foward, right? Wrong, I run in a different direction but I can never tell in which one. I run and run and then I change perspective again. Have you ever tried making a mmd? Y know how the camera can move in any direction? It feels like that. My view changes from up down, diagnole, horizontal ect. I'm always wearing the same clothes too. Think, classic button down pjs. The color always changes too. What could this dream mean?

Dream #2

My other recurring dream involves being trapped inside a mall. Of course it has no on inside it, so I'm already starting to get nervous and panic. Next thing I know I'm running up the escalator. I'm tried and see all the stores are closed, nobody's working and then it goes dark. I can't see anything, it's all pitched black and I feel unbelievably cold. It's dark cold, and I'm scared shitless but then suddenly, I feel a sack taken off of my head. To my surprise I can never see who it is, and I can only hear muffled noises coming out of their mouths. Someone else then runs through the door and beats the guy holding me hostage (I think). They run and carry me away, only to then drop me somewhere I can never get a glimpse because I always wake up right after they carry me. What could this mean?? Thanks for reading and pls help, much appreciated o(〃^▽^〃)o

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Reply by basshunterluvr


Hii! I go through nightmares every single night and my mom told me about some theory that you can change reocurring nightmares. If you imagine yourself running (like in the first example) and you try to imagine yourself turning around and facing what you're running from. If you keep on imagining that throughout the day, you maybe will do the same thing in the dream and hopefully have an end to that dream ^^ (Maybe you also should imagine its just a cat thats chasing you, so it doesn't seem as scary)

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Reply by Izzy


I now a lot of people say that running dreams mean that you're avoiding something or feel trapped, as for the location I have no idea. I have a buddy who has dreams that take place in the mall, its just a place he hangs out at and has good memories with, think about any connection you have with the locations in your dreams. If any of your dreams are bothering you or no meanings apply to you I wouldn't read into it to much into it. I've had recurring dreams about my dolls coming to life and acting increasingly violent since I was very little, It never really had any meaning it was just something my mind went to due to my tendency watch horror content as a very young child. Dreams are mostly things from your own life remixed into confusing or messed up situations that don't ALWAYS have meaning, sometimes its just random stuff from your life.

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