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fuckers being pissed at the trans protecting law in spain

i am disgusted by how disrespectful and transphobic some ppl still are here in spain. for those who don't know, recently a new law was approved. this law enables trans teens to change their names and gender in their IDs without parental permission. and also, and not less importantly, they let now trans ppl to make the name and gender changes in their IDs without the need of going on HRT. before this law was approved, you had to be at least two years on hormones to change anything regarding your gender in your ID. this is a really good step for trans rights in spain, and somehow PEOPLE ARE MAD ABOUT IT? "but now a man can take advantage of this law" and bla bla bla. well, we're not going to fuck up a lot of people's right just for the sake of not having ONE fucker amongst hundreds of thousands folks who just want to be adressed for their identity. and also, somehow ppl think that now little children are going to go on hormones????? no one is going to give t shots or estrogen to ur kid, chill. i don't see ppl so pissed about hormones when doctors prescribe birth control pills to 15 year olds. why do people hate trans folks so much and why are trans rights still a discussion in the first place? this is more sort of a vent bc i am rlly pissed at ppl.

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Reply by EngiQu33ring


People determined to misunderstand trans folks and trans healthcare are going to be like that. It isn't about the reality of the situation, they just want to feel self-righteous and indignant about something. They suck, but the facts about the bill and its effects are secondary to their actual goal of doing a little song and dance for the people online who also just want to be pissed about something.

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