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The Last Of Us

alright so i just watched the season finale!!! what an interesting turn of events. cannot believe joel is our new villain. not very daddy of him smh though him singlehandedly taking out the fireflies at the hospital was monumental. i haven't played the game so have no idea what goes down in part 2 but i am impressed at how they've set up the following series because that was smashing.

of course, there are inconsistencies and areas where logic is lost but that's the beauty of fiction i suppose. 

any gamers/show enthusiasts around? let's gravel.

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Reply by pqGatito901


Joel made his own selfish decisions sure, but I mean it made sense for his character. My only problem was just how the episode played out tbh, it was the final episode of the season and it really didnt feel like it the pacing almost felt rushed. I'm definitely looking forward to the next season. if you havent played either games? this next seasons gonna crush you :,)

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Reply by asia₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊dyers


so true he is living up to his character arc! you sort of forget about it amidst it all but oh boy was that a reminder lol. and yeah agreed especially for a season finale it ended so abruptly considering some episodes dragged on...

and so ive been told! apparently part 2 is even more gruesome with the heavy topics and tbh im here for it the way joel killed the fireflies after all of that and then lied to ellie!!! 

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Reply by esme erotica


Honestly, I don't see him as a villain; he was doing anything a parent would do in that situation, Ellie wanted to save the world, and Ellie was Joel's world, so of course, he's going to want to save her. 

Yes, he's doing it out of selfishness and to fill a hole in his heart Sarah has left him, he saved her in a way to save Sarah. He wanted to redeem himself. show that he is still a good father and wouldn't let the same mistake happen. 

How was the pacing of the show rushed? just wondering.


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