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what's your craziest ex story?

there's too many crazy exes out thereย  tell me a story about yours !

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Reply by eddie


i have two.ย 


once is from when i was 11 until early 13. we met in an Instagram gc and when i was 11 and she was 16 she asked if we could date. for some reason i said yes. at first it was like good and stuff, my friends said to break up cus of the age gap but i didn't listen. she started lying a load but i didn't find out until like a year later. she once called me at 1am when i was 12 and said she swallowed a bunch of pills and stuff and i was kinda just telling her to throw up while i was crying quietly.ย 

she cheated on me a bunch. she always introduced me to another guy, who was also her age so we could be poly. we broke up a bunch of times but then got back together because i thought i loved her. she also lied about potentially having cancer. she was a bitch. we finally broke up for good when i was early 13 and she was gonna turn 18 in a few months.ย 

i turned 16 this year and now she's turning 21. im gay now but i still think i love her. i don't though.ย 

the second one i started dating a couple months after that ex. this girl was my age and went to the same school as me. she was always a bit weird but i was lonely. she would always kinda call me stuff and put it off as joking, and if i didn't answer her for like 10 minutes she would spam me a lot. she always made me stop gaming as much as a 'punishment'. we used to 'play' fight a lot which was just her hitting me and me defending myself. she got me into smoking cigs and weed as well when i was 13 and 14. she also faked a lot of stuff such as being 'black and white' colourblind and faking her age as a year older for some reason. she went on about how people are scared of her because she fights a lot. she also faked like smoking too much weed and having a seizure (weird ass bitch) nah the kicker was when me and my buddies were getting drunk in a field with her and i was wearing a short sleeved shirt and she poked my stomach and like said something about my weight like she didn't just support me through an ed (restrictive) and also pointed out my sh scars and shit like wtf dude?? now that i think she said like stuff about my weight like multiple times and tryna play it off as joking about.ย 

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Reply by jane



my ex bf was insanely emotionally and physically abusive throughout our whole relationship. i was 12-14 the whole time on top of that!! but anyway i was finally done w him and i felt that i could move on easily because of the fact that we didn't live close anymore and went to different schools. every time i tried to break up w him or even interact w another guy he would threaten my life, his life, he would lie to my and/or his parents, he would threaten to destroy my room and personal items, and he would do anything to ruin my life if we did break up. so one day i call him early in the morning, we broke up the day before, and i'm ruined :(( i just wanted to see if he still wanted to be broken up because obviously young and stupid me was still "in love". on the call he basically gaslights me and tries to put words in my mouth and he was telling me the whole time how he doesn't care about me anymore. i think this is when i snapped and i told him i wanted to end our relationship, communication, and contact. i block him on everything and i was 99% sure it was over. i was in my math class and i get called into the office and they told me that they received a call from a parent that was concerned that i wanted to commit. he literally manipulated everyone including my own parents into thinking that that phone call that morning was him trying to stop me from committing!! anyway i had my phone taken for a really long time and they made me cut all contact. took a lot of healing but i'm better than ever without him. i will never get my 12 year old self back and i think that's what angers me the most :(

lmfao that was a lot but that was my craziest ex partner story

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