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Favorite horror movie?

Some of my favorite horror movies are Midsommar, Scream, Halloween, Slumber Party Massacre, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Evil Dead, and my all time favorite is Hereditary :)

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Reply by starry/fran/bee


my number one favorite horror movie is definitely green room! it has some more sensitive content and theres for sure some things id change about it, but i still love it a lot. some really crazy gore in that thing

besides that i love hereditary, the evil dead is my fav horror franchise, all of wham city comedy's shorts are brilliant, jennifers body, funny games and barbarian are all very influential movies to me

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Reply by MaggotsInMyBrain


i think trick r treat personally.

it's an anthropology and it's short stories make for a pretty fun dynamic and each story has a good premise in my opinion.

the themes of the stories are fairly dark and the narrative isn't linear which adds to the movie's greatness in my opinion. it is somewhat old as it was released in 2007, however that doesn't do much to push it under. the opening scene throws you into it and really gets the movie going.

i don't want to say much about it in case somebody wants to watch it, but it is FANTASTIC.

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Reply by dexter


re-animator and THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT!!! I've been on a bit of a lovecraftian and found footage kick

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Reply by King_Seezur


I know they get slack for not being "scary enough" but I absolutely adore the Predator movies. my recent favorites have been Predator 2 (1990), AvP (2004), and Prey (2022). I love seeing how the Yautja have gone from a simple movie monster to a fully fleshed out alien species, as I especially loved when we got a view of their homeworld in the beginning of AvP:Requiem (albeit the rest of the movie kind of sucked, Rip Scar and Wolf).

But as for more traditional horror movies, nothing can outdo the original Scream and Alien movies. Scream is my perfect "sit back and watch the bloodbath" movie, while Alien always keeps me tense and worrying if Ridley and Jonesy would escape this time (even though I've already seen it a bajillion times)

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