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Anyone else love 60s/70s fashion????

Do you like 60s/70s fashion? Which decade do you prefer? What are your favorite trends or clothes from the 60s/70s? Are you a fan of the era in general or do you just like the fashion & makeup? Where do you buy 60s/70s clothing? GIVE ME ALL OF YOUR THOUGHTS!!!

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Reply by AriEy


I really like the 60s make-up, and I admire fashion, I used to have a heavy punk and then 70s groupie phases, but what I like most about those decades is music and movies :D. I like the Kinks, Buzzcocks, etc. so I can´t say I prefer one or another, insert typical libra joke. I speak mostly of western culture now, but since I´m Czech, I would have lived in Soviet union, so I´m glad to be in 2023 :D. 

If I had to pick specific trend, it would be 60s futurism or 70s prairie dress. What about you? 

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Reply by Kurasu_Killz


I love 70s fashion and music so much. 70s is pretty much what I wear out most days. I get my band shirts from places like target, hot topic, and spencers. My pants are either from walmart or are thrifted. Same with my jackets! I also either get my shoes online or from thrift stores. There's this really good and cheap thrift store close to where i live to i get loads of clothes there! I also like the 60s lmao but not as much as the 70s!

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Reply by beau


i had a big 70's phase which effected my wardrobe, i wish it was easier to find genuine 70's fashion but since it grew in popularity as of recent it was pretty easy to get your hands on a pair of bell bottoms. but i wish it was the same for men's stuff. like the mens sections of most places have stayed pretty stagnant, get some nice flare jeans for the guys!!

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