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Dead Lighters? No Problem!

I posted this as a comment to a posting in here, but I think this would be helpful to every smoker! Also, I'm sorry if I explain things bad, I tried

if you have 2 (DEAD) lighters:

Hold Lighter 1 straight in your hand (12 on the clock) and hold down the flick part down continuously, don't let go until after you are finished with the flame!! (i'm sorry i don't know the name)

Hold lighter 2 horizontally in your hand (3 on the clock) 

Make sure the flame part of the lighters are touching or very close then--

Begin flicking lighter 2 and a flame should come onto lighter 1. It will be small, but this should work!!! You can do this as many times as you need to as well!

I learned this while in Trinidad visiting my family for the summer, I hope it works for everyone!!! It has worked for me with lighters that have been dead for over a year lol!!

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