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how do you overcome jealousy?

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Reply by naofa


whenever i become jealous of another person around my partner it helps me remind myself to always trust my partner around that person, and i always believe it bc i love them so much and they’ve shown me i can always trust them. but if i’m jealous and can’t trust them then what’s the point of the relationship is how i see it, helps me overcome it.

it also helps when i talk to the person and get to know them if we’re hanging around them, i see there’s nothing to worry about and it’s in my head.

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Reply by Gray


I just remind myself jealousy is a very pointless emotion. I can't control what or who other people like and prefer. So if someone wants to me around less or gone in favor or something else then so be it. No one is entitled to have other people give them the attention they want and forcing someone into a relationship is just unhealthy. At that point you're seeing people as tools instead of, well, people.

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