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Anyone else have a crush on that one older man


listen ive always had a thing for older men it must be all the Lana Del Rey i listen to, anyway theres this one guy hes exactly 15 years older than me and he is not my type at all but i have the biggest crush on this man and its been 3 years... 

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Reply by Gray


In my early 20s and maybe late teens I liked older guys but it was mostly a maturity thing. I would be attracted to how knowledgeable they were on how life works and all the life experience they had. But now that I am slightly older I am still attracted to those men, only difference is I am slowly getting closer to the age I was attracted to so they seem less like "older men" now. Basically both 21 year old me and 25 year me still have a thing for men who are around the 28 age range.

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