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What do you think happens when atheists/agnostics pass away

i wonder what happens

because we dont really know

this is a pretty controversial topic and tbh everyone has their own takes 

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Reply by newcleardawn


isnt that controversial. general consensus is that what happened before we were born (something we cannot comprehend) will happen after we die. we can't really understand the idea of not thinking, as to process the idea is to think and so it kind of is one of those things you have to accept as there will always be things we cannot understand out there 

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Reply by Iamthewalrus


Prob get buried/cremated like anyone else. I do find it odd that everyone who has (in my real life) a  "celebration" funeral is atheist and the more grief type, everyone in black type, traditional funerals have been Christians. Imo should be the other way round.

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Reply by Brucey <3 Yung Gingseng


They reincarnate into a twink.

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Reply by Ginny M. Jones


The same thing that happens to everyone, unless you fall for that whole "go toward the light" stuff, in which case you'll find yourself exiting the birth canal again.  See, we are energy, pure creative energy, which is the creator of all. This is why our bodies look and act like complicated electrical systems. This is why when you "flat line" they hit you with an electrical shock. This is why you will get sick or "die" if your electrolytes are too diminished. And, energy can be neither created nor destroyed, it just IS. It can only be transformed. You are living in your current "transformation", which is within the human experience. 

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Reply by Seth


To die as a believer in Christ is to exit this mortal coil and be with him eternally in the great hereafter. To die with disbelief is to not be with him, and to not be on Earth either. You wanna know what I think happens to them? I don't know - all I know is what I know and all I know is that I believe Christ died for everyone's sins - that means everyone - and that all it takes is accepting that he did just that and believing that he died for all of us and that will open the gates to eternity for all who do believe. I couldn't tell you what hell is, or what it's like, but I'm certain it isn't good.

It's a scary topic no doubt, I was an Atheist for nearly half of my life (most of my young life), and I still have friends and family who are Atheists. When I die I want to be able to see them again, and it tears me to shreds imagining that I won't be able to, that I might not be able to convince them otherwise, that I might not be able to get them to see the beauty of the things that I can see.

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