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What happens after death?

This is one of the things I spend days thinking about, and I'd like to know other people's thoughts on it, I'm open to hear it all. So, what do you think comes after death? Is there an afterlife? Does it stop here?

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Reply by MelloFellow


I think either waiting until the day of resurrection to see if you go to jannah or hell or just an unskippable game over screen

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My beliefs are very much subject to change but I go with what I know and understand and I've been trying to pull away from what I was taught as a child (I was raised religious). 

Science is still very limited on how it understands what happens at death but there are some things that are relatively well known. I rationalize death at the moment based off of the logic pulled from what's understood *now*. 

With that being said, I think it's exactly like before you're born. It's not nothingness because you don't even have a perspective in order to perceive said nothingness. I see that many people believe that a soul is very much a conscious entity that exists as you live and continues to exist even after the body has ceased to function. Death is perceived as a separation between this spiritual entity and the body it belonged to or existed in. But how does that entity retain memory if the organ that which houses memory (I am not referring to genetic memory here, but memory created through neurological pathways repeatedly fired over time throughout multiple sensory sections in the brain), the brain itself), is no longer functioning? It is, in fact, after death, rotting (unless of course it was burned along with the rest of the body during cremation). 

Now, as much as I am aware that science doesn't answer every question, it does give a good framework for answering questions. And one of the questions it has answered is whether or not matter can be created or destroyed. The energy that goes in between each individual neurological pathway (billions of them) can't be destroyed. It goes somewhere. That much is true. I personally think it gets dispersed throughout the universe evenly as soon as the brain is no longer functioning. Do I think it retains consciousness or sentience? No. Not at the moment. But it does get released back into the universe from whence it came. 

I think our memory (the kind we personally experience, not the kind kept by other people about us) is a brief gift in existence. And I think that's why it's so cherishable because it's so brief and temporary and unique.  

Sorry for the long response. I'm just glad to see a deep question here that had me thinking!! 

♈⬆️ 𝓑𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓪𝓷𝔂 ☿️♓♓♀️♂️♒

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Reply by Lemmingsishard


You are either sent to an afterlife of some sort or you are reborn

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