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Use Google Photos to host images and graphics for your page! (A tutorial)

Posted by Haunters


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

So if you find yourself wanting to post images to your page and don't want them hosted on a public site then use this method to host your own! We use it for all our graphics on our profile.

First upload all the graphics and photos you want to Google Photos!

Then select the the photo or graphic you want and click the share button. From there choose to "Create A Link." Make sure you copy the link

Next go to This Website and paste the URL in the field. This converts to a usable image link.

Optionally you can shorten the URL with bitly.

So now you can host as many images as you want and not have to worry about the image ever disappearing. This is especially better than just linking to whatever you find on a google search. For example: Friends Only Blog Posts with pictures you don't want strangers seeing (pics of your family / kids / etc. etc. You get the idea).

Of course now you can use html to put the image on to your page. Here's another little trick for making it look good on your profile:

<img style="object-fit: contain;" src="https://example.com/img.jpg">

Object-fit: contain; makes it to where your images won't stretch out beyond the borders of your boxes.

Thanks for checking out this post. Feel free to add this page to your friends list!

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2 Replies

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Reply by 🖤Teyga🖤


Thank you so much!! For some reason thought the photos are still going past the borders and changing shape. Any idea what could be happening? 

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Reply by Babie.girlxo
