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LB7 servant gacha predictions?

Since currently we're stuck in jp dead week hell with an uncertain date for part 2 of LB7 the only thing we can really do is theorize who will be summonable, when, and what rarity will they be.

I think banner no.1 will be kuku with Beni enma alter while banner two will be Tezcatlipoca and Tlaloc. now I don't believe Camazotz will stay an NPC but rather they're saving him for an event: either white day or something else all together. cause there's no way they aren't gonna cash on his altering ability, they'll probably tease us with a few alter servant designs and one big ookie spooky ooooooooo when will they show up.

but idk, what do you guys think?

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Reply by Waifusaurus Rex


I'm finding this super late but here to say I'm sad that they didn't release Camazotz!!

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