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how the hell do yuo uh use baptiste i dnot understand any of his abilities

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Reply by FL1NT!!


bap is kind of hard to figure out lol but hes one of my fav supports so ill try to help!!

if you crouch, you can charge a super jump that is useful in a lot of situations

his primary fire is a three round burst gun, and his secondary fire shoots a healing projectile that heals all teammates around the area of impact

his first ability is a regenerative burst, it heals a lot of damage initially and then heals slowly over time for a few seconds

his second ability is an immortality field, when you throw down the lamp it has a radius. when your teammates are in said radius, they wont be able to be killed because it adds a bar of health to their hp that cannot be damaged. his bar will go away when they step out of the radius, and the lamp can also be destroyed by enemies

his ultimate is called amplification matrix. he places it down like a shield, and your projectiles will be doubled in damage when they pass through it. healing projectiles will also double heals when they pass through the matrix.

this was super messy but i hope it helps you understand him more!! :D

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