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haiii so im new to kandi and i have zome questions to ask about it ¯\(°_°)/¯

★what suppliez do i need for it?

★what are zome good spotz do buy zuppliez

★how do you make kandi

zorry if this zeemz annoying (¯―¯٥)

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Reply by ☆DEZI☆


✰Some supplies you would need are pony beads, or really any beads you would like, and some string! I recommend elastic cord string, but when I first started I just used some string from dollar general, but elastic is better quality!

✰Some spots would be either online at Beadtin, Etsy, or Dollar General/Walmart!

✰You can find many different kandi tutorials on youtube or you can look at the website called Kandi Patterns for helpful tips!

hope this helps!!

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