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2023 gonna be my year

This year I'm hoping to get back into the gym, work on some better music, get a partner, make some more cash by getting a job 💪

What y'all tryna do for 2023 to make it your year? 

2022 was ass icl so I'm trying so hard to make this a better year

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3 Replies

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Reply by newcleardawn


2022 was a bad year for me 2 so i relate to u on that one. im not sure how i can make this year better other then getting through it and preparing further for my adult life, ive signed up for a few youth groups and the police cadets so i guess ill be making new friends maybe? i gotta revise more lol and stop drinking so many dang energy drinks!!

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Reply by H I M E


I'm trying to make some big changes in 2023 as well.

The biggest one is getting back to the gym. I know it's everyone's goal but I earnestly want to make a change. It's going to be hard to get back into the rhythm of going, but it'll be so worth it. I am an impatient creature, though.

I also want to read more books. And do more journaling.

I'm off to a slow, but solid start on all of these goals.

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Reply by Rose Moon


My goals are to work on my fitness (so far I'm at 27% of this year's goal), learning 1000 Kanji (at 480 right now), reach B2 level in French (currently B1), reduce plastic waste, and use only non-toxic and cruelty-free household products and personal products.  At this point, I've replaced 100% of my personal care products.  I wish everyone luck with their goals!

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