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Iraq War Nostalgia

Most of what I remember growing up was during 2005-2014 as my early childhood, and I'm kind of left with this weird pseudo-nostalgia around the Iraq War and War in Afghanistan. I grew up also on a military base which added to it with old camo patterns like UCP, bringing me a lot of the comfortable feelings of childhood even though it was a chaotic time.

Anyone else really feel this? I'm not sure if it's like army brat specific or anything.

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Reply by Scotty Byrd


There was some classic media at the time 


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Reply by mason


I was in second grade when the '08 election happened, and for some reason the school thought it would be a great idea to hold a mock election, and my friend was really pushing me to vote for McCain lmao

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Reply by uriel


Yeah, my uncle was in Afghanistan as a child I have the weirdest "nostalgia" about writing him letters and drawing pictures to send him overseas. I don't actually remember if he got any of them? But it's so weird. I also remember my school holding mock elections. 

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Reply by tayla


during most of it wasn't alive, and when i was i didn't know what was happening. i assume the nostalgia of it is similar to the nostalgia a lot of people have related to covid and 2020 though. 

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