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I wish indieweb sites and forums had more accessibility to people with visual impairment

I recently found out that I have a little bit of astigmatism (context: I started taking face-to-face French lessons, and I need to take the bus to come and go. Usually, when the lesson is over, around 5:20 p.m., the sky is already getting dark. Here in Brazil the buses have a sign with letters in neon indicating the path that bus takes. But at night, for me, my vision is very blurry [as if it were raining] and my eyes start to water because of the sensitivity to very strong light on a dark background. Because of that, I already missed buses, because I couldn't read the sign in time. I went to the ophthalmologist and found out that I have astigmatism. I need to make the lens of the glasses, but here in Brazil it costs a kidney.)

Because of that, when I'm reading something in a forum like Yesterweb or MelonLand, my vision gets really fucked up. My eyes starts to scramble the letters, and I can't mentally read what they mean, I can only see them. And because I have to concentrate my vision in a lot on words, which are in small font, my head starts to hurt and my eyes get tired.

I think it is cool the customization of each site, the way it looks like it is from the 2000s/90s and everything but, it hurts my brain to use it because of the amount of information displayed that can't be modifiede by each user. I don't think this topic has a lot to be discussed, I just wanted to share my discomfort.

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9 Replies

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Reply by NosyCat


I have to keep SpaceHey at 150% zoom too, but it's working very well that way. On the desktop, at least. Is it only the text size that's bothering you?

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Reply by Maiden Death


I can use pretty well SpaceHey, since it has a white background with dark text, my problem really is other forums/sites that primarily uses dark background with white text and don't let us change it. It makes it hard for me to read for to long. 

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Reply by VKNIGHT


Hello there. I also face a similar issue as I have a slight visual impairment. It is nothing major, but it does annoy me after a couple of minutes. A method I have found is to look away from the screen for about a minute whenever my eyes are irritated as well as keep the screen zoomed in.

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Reply by VKNIGHT


Hello there. I also face a similar issue as I have a slight visual impairment. It is nothing major, but it does annoy me after a couple of minutes. A method I have found is to look away from the screen for about a minute whenever my eyes are irritated as well as keep the screen zoomed in.

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Reply by Maiden Death


Thank you for your tip!

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Reply by slouch


if i can't read something in my usual browser i'll read it in elinks

"lynx" looks pretty similar and is for windows if that's your thing


maybe that helps someone, i don't know.

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Reply by Maiden Death


Reply by delicious2003


I'm totally blind, so I browse the web with a screen reader. My only anoyance is regarding captchas, cloudflare and such stuff, so I need to click the images randomly to create my spacehey account. A solution is to disable features like Java-Script in the browser, it improves reading web pages. However most popular sites might not work without Java-Script, so you might have a browser with js enabled and other browser with js disabled. Another possibility is to create a custom css, but I'm not sure how can be applied a custom css to a web browser). The code can be something like this:
background-color: white;
color: black;

A solution to handle custom styles could be to create aa Java-Script userscript for Tampermonkey, and that might work since Java-Script can override css.

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Reply by Maiden Death


Thank you for your tip !!

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